Welcome to Mommy’s Me Time!
Being a mom is the most rewarding job ever, but it’s also one of the most demanding. Since becoming a mom I’ve learned that if I’m not intentional about taking time for myself, it just doesn’t happen. In order to be the best moms we can be, I’m a strong believer that we need to carve out time to prioritize our well being and lean on each other!
Mommy’s Me Time uses real life stories and realities to encourage moms who are in the thick of it. I spend lots of time encouraging moms to prioritize self care and to embrace God’s grace. With Him, we can be the moms we’ve always wanted to be!
In addition to my blog, I share many more “real life” mom moments on Facebook and Instagram. I’d love for you to follow along on our crazy, not perfect, incredible journey. Follow me on Instagram: (@ambermariekuiper) and on Facebook (Mommy’s Me Time).
Thank you so much for stopping by.
I hope my writing encourages you and reminds you you’re never alone in some small way!
Just randomly stumbled across your blog and as a new mom,was loving reading it. Then I saw you live in Woodbury, MN, which is where I live too! Small world! Love the blog.
Hi Mallory! No way! How fun that you live in Woodbury! It would be so fun to get together sometime! Blessings to you and your sweet family!
I just stumbled across your site from Pinterest, I am so thankful I found it! I have twin 3 yr old boys and a 4 yr old daughter. I have yet to find anyone so far who is in the same boat as us! I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately and I have been asking God to reveal some support. Then soon after I found this. I just wanted to write to say thank you for creating this site! I can’t wait to show my husband, we feel so alone sometimes!
Thanks again and many Blessings to you and your beautiful family!
LOL! I, too, just stumbled across this website. I have four kids – Bryan (16), twins Sara & Jason (15), and Steven (14). Yep, that’s right. When Steven was born my oldest was still two and I had twins in the middle. And I know from experience that you are feeling overwhelmed, tired, frustrated at times, and extremely, extremely tired (have I mentioned that already?). But from someone who has been there, done that I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world! Enjoy your children every single moment of the day, don’t sweat the small stuff (and it’s ALL small stuff), and most importantly – don’t worry what the neighbors think! Let the grass go uncut, let the kitchen go upswept, and the beds unmade – all that will still be there 20 years down the road but you’re kids will have moved on and the grass will still need to be cut.
Hi Tracey! Wow, your spacing is impressive!!! That must have been so crazy and so fun at the same time.
Thank you SO much for this encouragement. It was just what I needed to hear this week. It’s so easy to get caught up on the small stuff…the dishes, the laundry, making a decent dinner, ect, but more than anything I want to cherish these moments I have with them while they’re young and want to hang out with me! Thank you for being a blessing!
Came across your site from a friend on FB who is from Northwest, Iowa – never imagined you’d be from that area as well! I’m originally from Pella, but currently live in Mankato, MN. Can’t wait to dive into your site, as I’ve already found so many things we have in common! My husband and I just became parents to a happy and healthy little boy named Carson. Thanks for sharing your insights as I start my journey!
Hi Miranda! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! What a fun connection we both have to Iowa! Congratulations on your sweet boy! Motherhood is the best!
Hi Amber! I came across your blog through the Mommy Moments link up
I’m happy to be following you now as it seems we have a lot in common. I have an (almost) two-year old and (almost) one-year old twins, but mine are all boys. I’m also from MN, but we live in Fargo, ND now. Nice to meet you!
Oh wow, how awesome that we have similar situations! It certainly is crazy, in the best possible way!
I can’t wait to hop on over and start following your blog! Thanks for stopping by!
I also just came across your site! I was looking for some fellow moms with 3 under 3! My oldest is 3, youngest 4 months and I am expecting #3! I am extremely nervous and freaking out over this! Any advice? Seeing you do it and also ready to welcome #4, gives me hope! Thanks!
Hi Ann! Congratulations on #3! I am so excited for you! I totally understand being nervous – I have those same feelings sometimes! As crazy as the first few years are, I think having kids close together is such a blessing in the long run! My three now play together so nicely, and are interested in a lot of the same things – it’s so nice! I think the one thing I’ve learned is to embrace the craziness. There have been plenty of times when all three kids are screaming or need something at the same time, and I just want to cry. But I try to find a way to laugh instead and take one thing at a time. I figure they’re learning from a young age that life is not just about them and that it’s okay to share mommy! Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help – that isn’t always easy for me to do but when I let other people help me it makes such a difference and I’m such a happier mommy because of it!
Blessings to you and your family!
I just came across your blog today-I have a daughter who just turned three this week, twin 18 month old boys and I’m expecting baby #4 in August, so it seems we have some things in common! I am really looking forward to reading your blog, thanks for taking the time to blog and share your experiences! It is very encouraging! And so nice to know others are going through some of the same things!
Hi Brittany! Wow, we DO have a lot in common! I bet we could sit across the table for hours and swap so many stories! It is certainly a crazy journey but worth every minute! I’m loving that my kids play together now, and while I play peacekeeper much of the time I think that’ll really help when the baby comes to not have to be sole entertainer!
Blessings to you as you finish your pregnancy! You can do it! 
I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!
How thoughtful! Thank you Diana!
[…] Mommy’s Me Time (just as sweet as she seems on her blog/social media. I’ve been stalking her awhile now […]