This afternoon after we all woke up from nap time (yes, Jake and I included…we rarely miss a weekend nap), we got ready to run some errands. With a new baby, that means feeding him while Daddy gets the other kids ready to go so we can get out of the house as soon as possible. Because as soon as his baby’s full there’s not much time until he’s running on empty again. And I’d much rather feed him when we return home as opposed to the cramped back seat of our car.

After several attempts to get socks and shoes on, we finally pull out of the driveway. Everybody’s happy, and Jake and I enjoy adult conversation on the 10 minute drive. We make it to the store, where we pick up a few necessary items like eggs, milk, and children’s ibuprofen because we seem to go through all of the above at record speed lately. After we check everything off our list we venture over to the toy section, where we let the big kids run wild for a few minutes (see Instagram picture). Then we make it through three simultaneous tantrums when we have to say goodbye to the toys instead of taking them home.

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We load everybody in the car, which is always a process in itself. Then we pick up pizza because by the time we get home there will be three hungry little kids, and we all know when toddlers get hungry there’s approximately 30 seconds before MAJOR meltdowns ensue.

We pull into the garage and devise a game plan. Unload the groceries first, before the kids. Then I’ll stay inside and get the pizza on their plates while Jake brings the kids inside. Then he’ll supervise supper, aka make sure they don’t throw every last piece on the floor, while I feed the baby.

And there I am, sitting in the chair in the living room, and everybody’s happily eating. And I just watch. I watch real life unfold before me. In that moment, I see so much that makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. This was my view.

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It’s not the most beautiful picture you’ll ever see, but it’s beautiful to me. There are so many things in this picture that represent life as we know it right now.

The grocery bags on the table, that never get put away right away because there are little people who need attention first.

The lego creation behind them that our almost three year old built all by himself today, and totally blew our mind. I thought for sure Daddy helped him, but it was all him.

The red bowl on the counter that holds Baylen’s toys when he doesn’t obey, because the only effective punishment for him is losing one of his beloved cars or airplanes.

The open cupboards, because it seems like we’re always in transition putting clean dishes away from the dishwasher.

The apple tree painting on the window that Baylen painted at school and is so proud of, and the fingerprints below the painting that constantly remind me my house is filled with the most precious little ones.

The pack ‘n play in the corner that’s used as a catch all and a safe place for baby to lay when I need to work in the kitchen and I don’t want the older kids to smother him.

The little stool next to the pack ‘n play so that those siblings can pay him visits and repeatedly yell, “BABY! BABY!”

The high chairs that are never totally clean, always having some remaining evidence of the last meal we had.

And most importantly, those sweet kids and their daddy. I’m so blessed. I’m blessed to have a husband who acts silly and will do just about anything to make them laugh.

And those kids. The constant joy they bring to my life, just by existing.

So yes, even though a simple trip to the grocery store feels like work, as does everything else about this stage, it’s the best kind of work. Life is full, our house is full, and our hearts are full.

P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Desiree says:

    I don’t know you but I love you. I love how in the days I need it most I see a post that directly affects me. I believe I stumbled upon your page from one of my multiple facebook pages. I have 4 boys 6 almost 7, 4 and twins that are 20 months . I feel like it is God giving me advice through you. I had a really bad day yesterday, my oldest is struggling in school. It breaks my heart, he is just the best. Thank you for making me realize these are the best moments of our life.

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Desiree! Wow, thank you for your sweet comment! I’m truly so thankful you read my blog and can relate with what I share on here! How wonderful that the Lord entrusted you with FOUR beautiful boys…the world needs solid men to be raised up and I have no doubt that you are an incredible mother doing an amazing job with them! Hugs to you and keep up the great work!

  2. avatar
    tonia says:

    I am really glad I found your blog. There are things you say that have literally helped me move from one moment to the next. Thank you!

    Ps- You know it’s your right to feed your baby whenever you need to, wherever you are. You shouldn’t have to worry about rushing home to do it or squishing yourself into the backseat.

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Tonia! Thank you for your comment! I’m so glad you found my blog too! And so glad you can relate to the things I share.

      Thank you for the reminder – I’m starting to get a little more brave about breastfeeding. Difficult for my modest personality but I’m working on it! 🙂

  3. avatar
    Crista says:

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder! You are so positive and help me to see joy in the little things that can often seem like work and we can forget about how wonderful it is. One day our children will be grown up and won’t need us like they do now and we will want this time back!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Thank you Crista! It’s true, they are going to grow up so fast! We need to be looking for all the positive things now! 🙂

  4. avatar
    Carla Chorney says:

    Beautiful! I’m glad I’m not the only one constantly buying eggs and baby Tylenol! My cabinets are always open, I’m constantly protecting the baby in some sort of contrapment. But hey – there is one thing u forgot to mention…..that beautiful view out of ur sliding doors. Geez! Where do u live?!

    God bless u and ur family.

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Carla! I’m so glad you can relate! And thank you! We live in a Twin Cities suburb!

  5. […] Oct 4: Everything Feels Like Work […]

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