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One of the questions I get asked most often when people find out I have four kids under three is, “HOW do you do it?”

Besides coffee, there’s only one real response that comes to my mind. “By God’s grace.” When I say that, I’m not just trying to say the right answer. That’s the honest truth. I wouldn’t survive a day without allowing God’s grace to fill in the gaps where I come up short.

The truth is, I can’t even pretend to do it on my own. If you spent a day as a fly on the wall of my home you’d know what I mean. I race around all day long doing my best to love my kids in every possible moment. But in the end? There are still points in the day when I don’t have enough hands, enough words, enough patience, or enough snacks to keep everybody happy.

At the end of the day, I’m not enough.

When I first realized this, I felt defeated. I felt like I wasn’t a good enough mom because I couldn’t do everything for everybody all the time. I felt overwhelmed, like someone else should be filling my shoes instead of me.

When the craziness would come, which it ALWAYS would, I felt like I had failed. For some reason I felt like when my house wasn’t calm and collected, that it was my fault, that I should be able to do more.

Then one day, I changed my expectations. I changed the way I looked at things. One day, I realized that life with kids is crazy no matter what. It doesn’t matter if you have one child or 10. Motherhood is unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Sure, there are ways to minimize the chaos, like having schedules and routines, which I assure you are part of my saving grace, but even then there will be times when the most well thought out plan gets thrown out the window by a sick baby, a feisty toddler, a family outing, or a hundred other possibilities.

I guess the best way I can describe it is that I’ve learned to have realistic expectations.

I no longer start the day hoping there won’t be major meltdowns. I know it’s going to happen. There are points during the day when I simply can count on the fact that it’s going to be out of control. Whether it’s after nap time when everybody wakes up a little crabby and wants to be cuddled by mommy, or when I’m feeding the older kids lunch while the baby’s screaming, there WILL undoubtedly be times when it’s just nuts.

But you know what? That doesn’t mean I’ve failed. It means I’m normal, and I have normal kids.

When the chaos comes and I want to cry myself, I remind myself of two things.

1. Embrace the chaos. Don’t give in to the temptation to have a short fuse. Take a deep breath. The best gift I can give my kids is to remain calm myself.

2. Have confidence that I’m doing the best I can. I welcome God’s grace to fill my soul and comfort my kids when I can’t. That doesn’t always mean the crying is gonna stop, but it does mean that I can have peace in my heart knowing that God has gone before me and will equip me with everything I need to get through. The stuff I don’t get to or am not able to do? God will cover it. He’s got my back.

I’m not enough. But God is MORE THAN ENOUGH. 

He knew my kids were going to be born close together. Instead of being hard on myself, I just pray that they’re learning patience at a young age. They’re learning that life isn’t about them.

So to you, busy momma. I want to encourage you. HOW do you do it? HOW do you keep going?

Here’s how:

You need to live in God’s grace. Day in and day out. Moment my moment. He knows your story too. He knows your family.

You have the opportunity to experience that grace in one of the most tangible ways. So dive deep in it. Let Him be enough. I promise He will always give you what you need when you need it.

Motherhood isn’t going to be all rainbows and warm and fuzzy feelings. Motherhood is where the rubber meets the road, and that’s beautiful. What a gift it is to be reminded every day of our NEED for the Lord.

Keep up the great work, friend. You might not be able to do it, but I assure you HE CAN!



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Christina says:

    Thank you for your honesty and openness. I just started following you, and have to say, kudos to you. You are an inspiration of contentment, ease and gratitude as well as normalcy.

  2. avatar
    Amber says:

    Loved this post. I also have 4 children, 8, 5, and 3 year old twins… And truly it is only by God’s grace I survive somedays. I sometimes become annoyed at “how do you do it?” Questions… I’ve even been asked, “why would you do that to yourself?” And to that I just smile and keep walking. God knew I could handle this life, that’s why I was blessed with it!

  3. avatar
    Chelsie says:

    This post was absolutely perfect! It was just what I needed right now. I have three children under two. I know how it feels to want to melt down and cry during the day almost everyday. Next time I have one of those moments I will think of this post. Thank you for being so transparent. It was beyond refreshing to see that I am not the only one who feels this way.

    1. avatar
      Danielle says:

      Chelsie- are you on Instagram? I would love to follow another mother of three under two years!

      1. avatar
        Chelsie says:

        Yes ma’am I am! Chelsieowenwilson is my username 🙂

  4. avatar

    Love this! Especially the part about it being a gift to be reminded of my need for Him. So true!

  5. avatar

    Yes! This is amazing! He is the one we need to lean on to get through those difficult times, because there will always be difficult times.

  6. avatar
    Maria says:

    Thank you so much for writing another honest and open blog post. I love that you keep it real and write about the tough moments of motherhood. I can relate to all of it because I have 3 under 2 years old. You are so inspiring and give me peace knowing there are other moms going through exactly what I’m going through. Please keep writing, you’re like my therapy!

  7. avatar

    Amen! Thank you for sharing so honestly about motherhood. You are an encouragement and blessing to me!

  8. avatar

    your words fill me up so well.

  9. avatar

    As always, a beautiful and encouraging post. SO TRUE that we are just not enough. But we aren’t supposed to be…something I am learning as well. 🙂 It’s not our job to BE God to our kiddos, but to SHOW God to our kiddos, through the messiness and the chaos. I bet those kids of yours get oceans of love from you and from Him working through you. Thanks for another uplifting piece! 🙂

  10. […] Oct 7: A Busy Mom’s Most Frequently Asked Question: HOW Do You Do It? […]

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