
If you’ve followed me for a while now, you know that I started as a Beachbody Coach about a year ago. Honestly, I never thought I would EVER, and I mean EVER, join a “pyramid scheme.” Because that’s what we call them, right? Even when we don’t really even know what that means?

I was way too cool for network marketing.

I didn’t want to be one of those people who was constantly spamming my Facebook feed with pictures of products or peddling something to friends and family every time I saw them.

Life has a way of humbling me though, because a fitness program changed my life, and I knew I had to lay my pride aside so I could help others and share it with them.

I joined with one caveat: I would find a better way. I would absolutely succeed and help as many people as I possibly could, but I would do it by being authentic to who I was. I didn’t want to be a salesperson. I wanted to be a relationship builder. A story teller.

That’s what I’ve done since day one. I’ve shared my story and built relationships.

What haven’t I done? I haven’t done what THOUSANDS of network marketers do every day.

Within the last week, I have received somewhere between 8 – 10 private Facebook messages from other network marketers. They start something like this,

“Hey girl! Or “Hey lady!” Or “Hey!” Or sometimes if I’m lucky they’ll even include my name. “Hey Amber!”

It’ll go on,

“I wanted to reach out to you today because I recently became a consultant with “so and so” and the products are AMAZING! I know you would LOVE them! ….blah blah blah…” (usually at this point I tune out and don’t read the rest. I’ve read all I need to know about this person’s approach.)

I’ve learned that they are likely sending the same generic message to dozens of people, hoping a few will result in sales.

I’ve learned that they are very new in their business, and I’m not sure they are going to be around long enough for them to take care of me as a client, because quite frankly I know this strategy isn’t going to work long term.

I’ve learned what it feels like to play second fiddle in our relationship to their product. They certainly didn’t try to make me feel like this, but that’s what happens when someone shoots an arrow blindly, without getting to know me and my needs.

It feels like they are trying to make money as fast as they can (aren’t we all?!) but in the process they forget that before this is a make-up business, or an oil business, or a fitness business, that it’s a people business. We are in the market of finding a solution to a problem, not about forcing a solution that they might not even be looking for.

You guys, we NEED to be treating online relationships like in-person ones. Would you walk up to someone you met for the first time on the street, introduce yourself as a salesperson, and immediate start trying to convince them they to purchase? I certainly hope not. I hope you would take the time to get to know them. I hope you would take the time to know what their current situation is like, and what problems they’re dealing with. I hope you would nurture the relationship before even THINKING about talking product! And to be clear, we should NEVER start a relationship with the purpose of selling them something. No! No! No! Our job is to LOVE people, regardless of if they EVER purchase from us!

In fact, can I take this a step further, and say that you may NEVER even need to bring the product up? Our target market cannot be our friends and family. They will likely purchase from you at some point, because they love you. But better yet? They’ll purchase from you because they actually BELIEVE that what you have will improve their lives.

More importantly, you need to build a brand that you’re excited about sharing. I’m talking about ATTRACTION marketing. Be a genuine person, and love on people. Become an expert in your field, and give away value for free! That way, when people who are following along need help from a product like yours, you will be top of mind. They’ll trust you, so they’ll reach out to you!

Do you want to attract the right kind of people to your business? Do you want to be successful without being “salesy?”

Have you sent generic messages in the past? Do you feel kind of icky about it? It’s okay. You’re learning! We all are! In order to be great at something, it takes practice. Most of us got into network marketing for the right reasons. We want to serve and help people. We want our families to be financially fit and give back to our churches and communities. But we don’t know the right way to do it.

Very few of us have been educated in a way that feels authentic to us. We’re simply doing what we think we’re supposed to be doing, and likely pissing off a whole lot of people along the way.

Today, you can start fresh. You can learn everything you need to know to be wildly successful. And you don’t have to be a salesman to do it. Let your focus be LOVING on people without ever expecting a single thing in return, and you will be blessed.

I have found success with network marketing because of my genuine approach. Within the first 12 months I became a top ranked coach in my company. I truly want to help ALL network marketers be successful, because I know with the right training, you CAN BE!

I’ve started Amber Kuiper, Inc. as a place to help network marketers grow their social media channels and learn BEST practices!

For more business tips, you can follow me at Amber Kuiper Inc. on Facebook and @amberkuiperinc on Instagram!


P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    Phooey – I already signed up before I knew there was a discount being offered. Oh well – I can’t wait to learn from you tomorrow! 😀

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      I just sent you $10 via PayPal! 🙂 Thank you so much for signing up! 🙂 See you tomorrow!

      1. avatar

        Thanks! I am looking forward to it!

  2. avatar
    Sarah says:

    Hi Amber,
    I’ve followed you on IG and FB for awhile now, and I have to say, unfortunately it seems that your feed & topics of writing have drastically shifted from being an encouraging mother (I looked forward to those post and sent them to numerous friends who I knew could use a lift me up that day) to pictures of yourself in your bikini showcasing what your program can do for all of us. I find it interesting that you are put off by women trying to sell you their product, but are willing to consistently write about your new group starting up or helping us mamas get in the best shape of our lives. Unfortunately, I miss the old Mommysmetime where I actually found encouragement in the day-to-day joy and rigor of motherhood.

  3. avatar
    JA says:

    Please, please, PLEASE include NOT spamming everyone’s newsfeed every single day with why your product is amazing!!! Its fine if it shows up once in a while, I’ve got a few friends who occasionally post something about what the sell, totally fine by me. But the ones that pop up every single day, sometimes multiple times in one day, yeah I don’t want to see that. In fact, I’m probably going to unfollow them and then I won’t see anything about that product ever. Not really effective.

  4. avatar
    Bethany von Steinbergs says:

    In my opinion, this is one of the best blogs you’ve written. Honest, passionate, and addressing real issues. I could not agree with you more. Even though I am not involved in network marketing, sales is one aspect of my job and I can only support people who take your approach.

  5. avatar
    Brittany says:

    Amber are you still offering a class for learning about networking marketing and how to be successful?

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