Last November we moved across town into a different house. I LOVE my new house for so many reasons, the biggest one probably being the additional space we have. However, more space means more to clean and keep organized (not my strong suit).

One of the constant pain points for me since having kids has been laundry. As hard as I try to get into a system and do a load every day, life always seems to happen and eventually I fall behind again. Before I know it, there I am, searching the dryer in the early morning to find a clean underwear for my husband to wear to work.

Well, when we moved into our new house, my shiny new washing machine gave me new motivation and I was excited to tackle the problem once and for all.  Our master bedroom has a walk-in closet, and one day it dawned on me: I have enough room in here to fit EVERYBODY’S clothes! 

Here’s the deal. My kids are little, and most days I’m the one who picks out their clothes. That, or they do it themselves and leave a mess so big that I spend the next 20 minutes putting everything back into their drawers. I was OVER it. And so, the family closet was born.

In this house, our laundry room is on the second level, just down the hall from the master. So, when a load of laundry is washed and dried, I simply take it and drop it on the floor of my closet.

From there, I fold it (or my nanny folds it – I told you she was amazing), and puts it on everyone’s respective shelves. When it’s time to get clothes on for the day, we all go to the closet and get dressed at the same time. I realize the potential for awkwardness down the road, but in this stage of life it works perfectly. The older three kids can reach their items and pick them out, but if they make it mess, it’s no big deal. The clothes just stay on the floor to be folded with the next load.

When I started the family closet I had this dream of everything being perfectly piled, you know, just like in Good Housekeeping or Better Homes & Gardens or something. In fact, every time I walked into my closet and thought about how I wanted to write a blog post to share how this has helped me, I kept thinking I should wait until I could get a clean, crisp, Pinterest worthy photo. But that just isn’t what you should come to expect from me. Instead, this is what it actually looks like most days.


Yes, it’s a little messy, but the laundry is clean, in one spot, our house runs much more smoothly, and our unmentionables are perfectly hidden from visitors. Even my husband can find his undies easier because they are in one of two places instead of strewn across the house on some unfolded pile.

In this stage of life, I’m all about finding practical solutions that make life easier, and the family closet has been exactly that for us!

How do you manage laundry in your home?




P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!


About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Leigh says:

    I love the idea of a family closet and would totally do it if i had one space that would fit it all! I gave up on sorting clothes in the traditional manner and started sorting by ‘zone’. I never put clothes away when it was one load of folded whites that had to be deposited in 4 different bedrooms. I am much better about putting clothes away the same day if each basket goes to one location. It works for me 🙂

  2. avatar

    Way to find a system that works for you. My hubby does a good chunk of the laundry but as our girls have grown (older two are now 7 and 5), they help as part of their chores. The 7 year old is responsible for matching ALL socks so they go in one basket for her and the 5 year old is in charge of underwear. We also have baskets in our laundry room for dirty clothes – one basket for whites, one for colors, one for towels – and they are responsible for putting their dirty clothes there. 50% of the time it works! They also help fold towels and put clothes away. 7 year old is great; 5 year old can make a mess but it’s progress and one day they’ll be doing it on their own :)! ha.

  3. avatar
    Catherine says:

    I’m a Christian and have 3 kids 3 and under. Your blog has helped me in so many ways but mostly I appreciate your vulnerability. Most people with small kids try to hide the fact that our homes are a disaster and life just is perfect, but the lord is using you to take the mask off motherhood and show what a life really looks like with small kids, it’s messy and a lot of fun at the same time. I wanted to thank you for shining gods light by stepping out into a calling to show the reality of motherhood.

  4. avatar

    I have 3 kids under 5 and laundry is my biggest nemesis. I’ve now gotten so that each child has a laundry basket and I do each of their laundry once a week and force myself to put it away as soon as it’s done. I find it’s easier to do a light and dark load for each child and have all of their clothes together. That way I can take the finished laundry to their room and fold it directly into the drawers, or hang it in the closet. Not going to lie my own laundry still tends to sit in baskets for days. I love your idea! Wish I had a bigger closet!

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