I hope you’re having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your sweet families! I wanted to pop in amongst the holiday fun today to share about the #MomStrong Boot Camp I’m leading on December 4th! I have a BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL happening TODAY that moms will be really excited about! 

Here’s a little bit about WHY I’ve chosen “Mom Strong” for our theme in December:

A few years ago I realized that I was stuck in a mindset that was telling me to look for the easy way out of EVERYTHING. I told myself that I really only needed to do something if it was “convenient” for me.

My husband was working 60 – 70 hour weeks, so I told myself it was okay if I through a pity party. If I had a bad day with the kids, I’d tell myself it was okay to chow down a whole sleeve of Oreo cookies. My kids weren’t sleeping through the night, so I told myself my body was too tired to workout.

I would look in the mirror at the extra baby weight and I told myself that I should just be thankful for the fact that it birthed 4 babies. I convinced myself that it was more honorable to give my kids every last drop of time and energy than focusing on myself.

Deep down though, I was empty. I was lonely. I felt defeated. I was uncomfortable in my own skin and hated picking out clothes to wear in the morning, so I’d usually just defer to baggy and comfortable. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. While I loved being known as a mother, I forgot what it felt like to be Amber.

I had a gym membership. I tried that. But it wasn’t working. What I really needed was community and accountability from other moms who were going through the same things I was going through.

One day I was so desperate that I ordered an at home workout program. I figured it was probably a scam, but had some friends that lose weight with it so I gave it a try. Turns out the workouts kicked my postpartum butt, but what truly helped me more than anything was the relationships I built with the other moms in the online boot camp. I plug in whenever I wanted and I was bound to pick up a bit of motivation and encouragement.

Today, I get to be the one to lead these types of communities and pay it forward to other moms who were just like me. Moms who need a little life breathed back into them again.

Here’s a short video I made to share a little more about it!

H O W  I T  W I L L  W O R K

This will be a 3 week boot camp! We will give you a specific workout calendar that incorporates various workouts from Beachbody On Demand. If you’re a runner or want to become a runner, we will also be giving the option to add running into the workouts as well (that’s what I do)! Whether you’re a beginner or have been working out for a while, we’ll help you create a custom workout to help you reach YOUR goals!

The workouts are designed to done at a gym OR at home!

As soon as you sign up, I will place you in a Facebook group with the other boot camp participants! You will be set up with a private app where you will track your progress, and log your workouts and nutrition so we can hold you accountable! We’ll teach you everything you need to know so you can set yourself up for success!

We’ll be focusing on getting nutrition that your body will be ENERGIZED by, and you’ll be in community with other women and men who are doing the same thing you are!

During the boot camp, we’ll be posting daily encouragement posts to keep you inspired and prevent you from falling off the bandwagon.

Oftentimes, the biggest piece that holds people back from reaching their health and fitness goals is a lack of accountability. As your coach, it will be an honor to create a safe place for you to be held accountable. If you fully commit to this, I am confident that you will leave this boot camp in the best shape of your life.


A one time investment of $160 for a WHOLE YEAR of my boot camps! (After the December group is over you can continue on to do as many more as you’d like!)

What’s Included:

  • 1-Year Membership to Beachbody On Demand with all content included, plus new future releases. ($99 on it’s own)
  • 1 month of Shakeology ($129.95 on it’s own)
  • Portion Fix – includes 7 piece portion control container set, eating guide, large blue container & shaker cup ($39.95 on its own)

The total price if you purchased all of these separately would come out to $270.

However, the price when you purchase them together in the All Access Challenge Pack is just $160. So basically, after you purchase BOD + Portion Fix, you are getting the chance to try Shakeology for a month for just $20!

You will also get our weekly family friendly Take Back The Kitchen menus + grocery lists delivered to your inbox every Friday. 

You will ALSO get a hard copy calendar and rewards chart specifically for your kids so they can “workout” with you and participate in our our new program for families called Double Time!

Additionally, for BLACK FRIDAY ONLY, if you register TODAY I will be sending you a box of Energize samples (our incredible all natural 15 calorie pre-workout energy drink) + 4 samples of Daily Sunshine (our organic kids’ smoothie) + the book called “Becoming Mom Strong” by Heidi St. John. This is the book we’ll be going through together during the boot camp! 

To register, simply go to my website and purchase the Double Time All Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack for $160: https://www.teambeachbody.com/en_US/checkout/-/bbcheckout/challengepack/doubletime-BOD-AAA-CP?referringRepId=594725

If you have purchased under another coach in the past who you are no longer working with, you’ll need to fill this out before you order: https://faq.beachbody.com/app/customer_coach_change_form/lob/coach

It will ask for my Coach ID which is 594725 and my email which is amber@mommysmetime.com!

After you’ve placed your order, fill out this CONFIRMATION FORM, and you’ll be all set! You will receive an email from me with next steps!

I’m so excited to have you and help you feel AMAZING this holiday season! You deserve to feel INCREDIBLE!



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at amber@mommysmetime.com!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

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