I LOVE summertime. I love the chance to have a more laid back, go with the flow schedule. With our kids being a little older now (7,6,6 and almost 5), we don’t have to race back home everyday for nap time, so we spend most of our days adventuring to new places and activities! It’s GLORIOUS and I’m soaking up every moment of them actually WANTING to spend their summer breaks with me.

I want to preface this post by saying I am NOT a Type A person. Setting up a routine doesn’t come naturally to me – to be honest I feel like too much structure can take the fun and spontaneity out of life!

BUT I also love my sanity, and as the summer comes to an end, I’m excited to get back into a routine that truly helps me to feel like the BEST version of myself. There’s a time and place for everything, and during the school year, our crazy crew requires more of a consistent structure and routine.

If you’re like I was, and new to creating a weekly routine, the first thing I want to encourage you with is to focus on PROGRESS, not PERFECTION. I used to watch other moms who seemed to have it all figured out, and far too often I’d play the comparison game. It just seemed so easy for them, but it felt impossible for me.

Keep in mind, we’re all going through different seasons of life, and we’ve all been wired so differently. The number of kids you have, how old your kids are, the type of husband you have, how many hours you work outside the home, the amount of grandparent support and/or childcare you have, the gifts and talents God’s given you, and the list goes on and on! Just because you don’t feel like you’re as “type A” or have your “crap together” like she does, doesn’t mean you’re not as great of a mom. It doesn’t mean she’s further along than you are! She’s got her own struggles she’s working through, so instead of feeling paralyzed by the “grass looking greener” on her side of the fence, remember that we’re all on our OWN journey, and there are things we can all learn from one another!

We’re not in competition with each other. We’re a SISTERHOOD full of so many amazing perspectives and strengths!

With that said, I have found that there are a few simple things I  CAN do that aren’t too painful on Sunday that make me feel 1000% more sane throughout the week. These are things that are SO easy to do, but also so easy NOT to do. It’s a CHOICE I have to make each week. During the weeks when I tell myself I don’t have time, that’s usually not ever the case. I don’t have a time problem, I have a priority problem. Making these “to-dos” non-negotiable have changed my LIFE.

I  do these on Sunday simply because I like to have all of Saturday to NOT think about prepping and planning. We also usually go to church on Saturday night, so that leaves me more time on Sunday to do them! However, you could totally break these up over the course of the weekend!

Things I Do On Sunday To Help Me Maintain My Sanity During The School Week

1. The first thing I do on Sunday is tidy up the house (30 – 60 minutes). We do this at the end of every day as well, but over the course of the week, when my kids “help me” pick up the house, things aren’t always exactly as I’d like them. So on Sunday I walk through the house room by room to re-organize and take inventory. I bring a laundry basket with me and put things that don’t belong in that room in there so I can return them to their homes. When the house feels tidy and organized, my mind feels clear and I  have more brain space to think about the week ahead.

2. I clean out the fridge and pantry (10 – 15 minutes). I  look through the fridge and throw out old produce or leftovers, and wipe away anything that’s spilled. Then I do the same thing with the pantry. By having an idea of what food we have in the house, I can then start to mentally prepare what I need to replenish for the week ahead.

3. I create a family menu + grocery for the week (15 – 20 minutes). This isn’t anything fancy or complicated. SIMPLICITY is key. I  just write out what my kids will eat for breakfast and lunch, and what Jake and I will eat for breakfast and lunch. Then I write a list of snacks, and what we’ll have for dinner each night. I follow a nutrition course called Ultimate Portion Fix, so I  take a few minutes to make sure I have all my food groups accounted for. I use the current week’s Take Back The Kitchen Menu, and use 1 – 3 of the new recipes for that week along with some family favorites! While I  do that, I write out a grocery list! Then I’ll either run to the store or order groceries online! I  love grocery shopping when my house is tidy and organized. That way I  can simply unload the groceries and we’re set for the week!

4. I  do a “brain dump” of everything I need to accomplish for work that week (randomly throughout the weekend). I generally take the weekend off of work, but I’m constantly thinking of all the things I need to do, and it starts to stress me out. So I simply keep a list on the Notes Section of my phone as they pop into my mind, and every time I think of something, I write it in there so I can come back to it later but remain present with my family.

5. I write out a family schedule for the week (10 – 15 minutes). With four kids in school + activities, my own work schedule, and Jake’s real estate schedule, I can’t keep track of everything in my head. I keep everything on a calendar on my phone and share it with Jake, but I like to write it out on paper each week as well to double check that we have a handle on everything. I  also take a peek at my “brain dump” list and write down the top priorities for Monday.

6. I pack the kids’ lunches (15 – 20 minutes). They help me do this. We follow the “Eat The Rainbow Reward Chart” for kids from the Ultimate Portion Fix nutrition course. If they earn their points they get $5 – this has helped them to stop asking me to buy them something EVERY time we’re at Target. ?

7. I fold and put away all laundry, and set out the kids’ clothes for Monday (30 – 60 minutes). Throughout the week, my goal is to do one load of laundry every day. However, that doesn’t always happen perfectly so if I’m behind, I force myself to get caught up before the end of the night on Sunday. That way we start the week with a fresh start. I also lay out their clothes and pack their backpacks for the next day!

When you break it down, these things really don’t take THAT LONG. In my head, they feel way more overwhelming than they actually are! Just DOING IT and having a game plan keeps me sane, which prevents me from yelling at my kids like a crazy woman every morning before school. ?

If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to email me at amber@mommysmetime.com! Again, don’t worry about being perfect at this, just start somewhere and do your best! Some weeks will be better than others, just give yourself some grace and do the best you can!

I’d love to gift you with a FREE week of our Take Back The Kitchen menu to help you jumpstart your back to school routine! Just fill out THIS FORM and I’ll get it over to you!



P.S. For more everyday motherhood moments, follow me on Instagram (@ambermariekuiper) and on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run)! 



About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

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