
I have four kids under three. At this point in my life, I have PLENTY of real life chaos going on inside the four walls of my home and everywhere we venture out to. Every day there are several instances when I look around and simply have to laugh at the predicaments I find myself in.

Like the other day when I thought we’d go on a 30 minute walk and stop by the park before bedtime…and during those 30 minutes we spotted the ice cream truck, which meant we had to buy some, which meant my kids and the stroller were covered in ice cream, when of course I forgot the wipes at home. I brushed it off thinking oh well, we’ll get them cleaned up when we get home. No more than 2 minutes later, we get to the park, and I see my two year old son pull his pants down and diarrhea in the middle of the wood chips, dripping all over his shorts and shoes. Again, no wipes… I’ll spare you the rest of the nasty details, but lets just say baby brother had quite the entertainment to watch from inside the Baby K’Tan. That’s real life friends. Poop running down the legs and all.

Last year I participated in the 31 Days Of Writing Challenge, which is just that. Bloggers are challenged to write about the same topic every day for the entire month of October.

So yes. You can tune in every day from now until the end of October and get a glimpse into real life around here. I’m sharing this for a couple reasons. One, someday I can’t wait to look back and read about life as it is now, in all its glory. Second, I want to encourage anyone else going through crazy real life mom stuff. Life as a mom of little people is full of all kinds of nutso things, but we’re all going through them together!

I want to reassure you that whatever you’re going through is perfectly normal, and sometimes the real life stuff that makes us cry one minute, oftentimes has a way of making us realize just how lucky we are to experience it the next.

So here’s to 31 Days Of Real Life Mom Moments. I’ll see you back here tomorrow!



Oct 1: Introduction To Real Life Mom Moments

Oct 2: WHAT Is It About Toilet Paper? 

Oct 3: House Slippers In Public

Oct 4: Everything Feels Like Work

Oct 5 & 6: They Keep Going And Going And Going

Oct 7: A Busy Mom’s Most Frequently Asked Question: HOW Do You Do It?

Oct 8 & 9: Sorry! Real Life Happened!

October 10: For Moms With Kids Under 5: THIS Is Our Time

October 11 & 12: The Past Few Days

P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!


About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    Sounds great, I’ll check back tomorrow!! 😉

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Great, thanks for following along! 🙂

  2. avatar
    Jennifer says:

    I had 4 under three up until a couple weeks ago. My twins turned 3 a couple weeks ago and I have a one year old and a 3 month old. Life definitely is crazy but blessed. 🙂

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Jennifer! Oh my goodness, we have so much in common! So thankful to know I’m not alone in this crazy adventure of so many young ones!

  3. avatar
    Emily A says:

    I’m so excited to read these! I can’t wait to be a mom!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Aww, yay Emily! You are so sweet! 🙂

  4. avatar

    What a great idea! I’m so bad at remembering to do these challenges I think I would fail at posting the moments. Although it would definitely be fun and real to participate!

  5. avatar

    Can I just say it? This is going to be EPIC. I am so looking forward to reading your glimpses into your REAL life, and hope it rubs off on me. I am too quick to only share the cute, sweet moments and not enough of the real life ones. Thanks for being willing to set the example!

  6. avatar

    This is awesome. thanks for the idea. I am not a blogger but I decided to make a FB page and do it on my own. LOL you are an inspiration to all (4 kids is a handful). I love reading your blogs make me want to do one myself which after October I will try to do it more.

  7. avatar

    It is so refreshing knowing that you are in this crazy beautiful experience called motherhood. I am often encouraged knowing God not only made us mommies but he calls us to be mommies and to be ones who represent Him. May He bless you with much wisdom, love and patience during your child rearing years!!!

  8. avatar

    I am right there with you! I just wrote a post about how funny parenting is, and this story is something I can definitely relate to. Looking to reading more.

  9. […] I’ll see you back tomorrow for Day 3 of Real Life Mom Moments! […]

  10. […] I hope you had a great Friday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for day 3 of Real Life Mom Moments! […]

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