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If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed I don’t often share a lot about the specific parenting strategies we use. There are a couple reasons for this. First and most importantly, I don’t EVER EVER EVER want to come across like I’m an expert. I assure you I am not! I only know what works for me. And what works for me may or may not work for you.

One of the things that’s so beautiful about motherhood is that we each have different personalities and strengths that are perfectly suited for our kids. We can read as many parenting books as we want, and listen to the opinions of others, but at the end of the day only WE know what they need. And only WE know what makes us the best mom we can be.

The second reason I’m reluctant to share how we do things is that I don’t want this blog to become a place that’s focused on the differences in parenting. Focusing on different approaches can oftentimes cause dissension between moms, and I want this to be a place where everyone feels affirmed in how they choose to parent without being criticized.

BUT, lately I’ve been getting a lot of parenting questions. And while I’m a little nervous to answer them, I also know that when you learn about a strategy that seems to make sense and fits with your parenting style, it can be a game changer. After all, I implemented so much of what I learned from another mom.

So, I decided to start a series called “You Asked.” During this series, I’ll be answering the most frequently asked questions I get from my readers. Again, please hear me when I say I know that how I do things might totally NOT work for you. But in case it makes sense to some of you, I want to put this information out there.

With that said, here’s the first question:

How do you get your kids to nap at the same time every day?

Yes, my kids nap at the same time every day. All four of them. 1:00pm comes, and within 10 minutes they are all fast asleep in their rooms, and I get some mommy time. I suppose that’s one of the huge perks about having so many kids so close together. They ALL still take naps! And I plan on them taking naps for as long as possible. When they don’t need a nap anymore, we’ll be suggesting quiet time in their rooms.

So really I guess napping at the same time really becomes an issue when the second child comes along. With your first, the schedule doesn’t matter as much because it’s just you and the babe. But when you welcome the second baby, in my case my second and third babies at the same time, it can feel a little overwhelming, at least it did to me. I sort of felt lost as to where to start.

I’ll just go ahead and disclose this: I’m a schedule person. I work best when I have a regular routine everyday and I know what to count on. I’m able to set myself up for success, to know when the crazy times are going to come and prepare for them. Schedules are quite literally my sanity. So if you aren’t a schedule person, this post is probably not going to jive with you. And again that is a beautiful thing! We are ALL different and that is absolutely OK!

So when my girls came along, my first thought was, “How am I going to incorporate them into my son’s routine?” At that point, he had just dropped his morning nap but still took his afternoon nap at 1:00pm every day.

For the first month or so when they’re newborns, I feed my babies every three hours. This starts in the hospital. I feed, then keep them awake for a bit, then let them sleep until it’s time to eat again. If they are still sleeping at the three hour mark, I wake them up and feed them, and start the cycle all over again. For example, feed at 7:00am, awake time until sleepy, then sleep until 10:00am when I feed again. Except at night when I let them sleep for as long as they want until they wake up on their own. So the first month, naps aren’t coordinated. If it happens, it’s just a coincidence.

After that first month, I switch up my day schedule, so that I can count on them taking naps at the same time every day. Here’s my schedule.

7:00am: Wake up and first feeding. This is every single day. If they’re sleeping, I’ll wake them up. I find that by starting every day at the same time, it helps to establish a routine quicker. So, at 7:00am I wake baby up and feed. Then I keep baby up for a while, until they get tired, hopefully until around 9:00am. Sometimes when they’re young they don’t quite make it that long.

9:00am: Second feeding while swaddled, then put baby down for a morning nap (always in their crib). My kids usually sleep from 9:00 – 11:00am when they’re really young.

11:00am: Third feeding followed by awake time. From 11:00 – 1:00 we play and have lunch. Sometimes during this stretch the baby needs a little catnap, which I don’t let him sleep for longer than about 10 minutes, and that happens just in my arms. I don’t put my babies down for catnaps in their cribs.

1:00pm: Fourth feeding while swaddled, then put baby down for an afternoon nap. This is when the old kids also go down. When my babies are little they’ll often sleep from 1:00pm – 4:00pm.

4:00pm: Fifth feeding followed by awake time. From 4:00 – 7:00 baby is awake, but usually takes another 10 – 20 minute catnap at some point in my arms or in a vibrating seat.

6:45pm: Bedtime feeding while swaddled, then put baby down for bed (always in their cribs). By 5 weeks my twins and baby 4 were sleeping 8 – 9 hour stretches. By 8 weeks they were sleeping 9 – 10 hour stretches. By about 4 months, my twins were sleeping the whole 12 hours. We’ll have to wait to see if Case follows suit!

10:00pm: As soon as baby starts skipping this feeding, I pump before I go to bed and store the extra. And that way when the baby wakes up to feed I’m not too uncomfortable and don’t have to pump during the night.

Obviously then I just wake up whenever the baby wakes me up in the night to feed.

7:00am: Wake up and feed (even if we just fed at 5:00 or sometime around then) so that we stay on the same schedule the following day.

SO, that’s what works for us! Case is now 8 weeks old and I’m only waking up once, around 4am or 5am to feed him! I’ve found that by feeding by babies enough during the day, they don’t need to eat as much during the night. And I also never let them sleep for longer than three hours during the day, or otherwise that seems to mess them up at night.

As for how I put them in their cribs, I feed them to a point when they’re drowsy, then put them down with a pacifier. If they don’t go to bed right away, I’ll keep going in and giving them a pacifier until they’re settled. When they’re little, I don’t let them cry it out. When they reach about 4 months and develop the ability to self soothe, then we’ll sleep train them if needed, but by that point they’re really pretty used to the routine and go to bed without a fight.

Now obviously there are always X factors and days when our schedule gets thrown off for a variety of reasons, and kids are still totally unpredictable at times, but this is a good starting point for us. And also every kid is so different. Some kids sleep through the night super young and others take more time. So much of that is out of our control! So if your baby doesn’t sleep through the night, DO NOT be hard on yourself! You are doing a great job!

If you have questions about this or I missed anything that you were wondering about, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them.



P.S. If you have parenting questions you’d like to ask, please email them to

P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!


About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Haley Altmaier says:

    Great. I just had a “why didn’t I think of that?” moment. I have been getting tripped up with all the feedings and how they interfere with getting the naps to align. I never thought to feed a bit more often. I bet that helps to get bellies fuller for the night hours as well 🙂 thanks for sharing, Amber!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Haley! So fun to see a comment from you! It really works well for us! Yes, I think filling the belly up more during the day really does help for nighttime! Blessings to you and your sweet family!

  2. avatar

    I did the exact same schedule with my twins and people are always blown away by my schedule and theirs and I know it’s because everyone is happy and comfortable within a daily routine! I love that my kids are down at 7:30 and hubby and I get 3-4 hours of us time! Love your blog!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Christine! I couldn’t agree with you more! I LOVE that I still get time with my husband at night! We are huge fans of early bedtimes and the kids are so happy when they’re rested too! 🙂

  3. avatar
    Kristen says:

    Oh Amber, I have to admit my tired eyes teared up a little reading this while rocking my baby because it is just so different from my reality right now and so similar to what I’ve been working towards. But thank you for posting it. Somehow it helped remind me that every mom and every baby is different. Maybe I will do things completely differently next time (probably not), maybe my next baby will be more of a sleeper (I sure hope so!) but either way, I’m thankful for other Christ-centered moms who willingly share what works for them in hopes that it will help someone else and are humble enough to know it’s not the only way. Thank you! Here’s hoping the current nap lasts more than 15 minutes 😉

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Kristen! Thank you for your sweet comment. Oh friend, you are amazing. I’m so sorry that you are not getting much rest right now. I hope and pray that God multiplies your hours and gives you the energy you need to make it through this season. Your heart is so beautiful – thank you for sharing a piece of it with me!

  4. avatar
    Christy says:

    Thank you for sharing! I’ve been reading everything I can, trying to figure out a schedule for our 3 week old. I only have 3 more weeks until our 2 year old will be home from daycare full time. (I had c-section so we chose to keep her there until fully recovered). Right now our days & nights are so chaotic! Will be trying to implement something like this tomorrow. So far nothing has worked so I’m willing to try it all at this point! 🙂

  5. avatar

    This was awesome! I only have one, but it sounds similar to how I scheduled things with him when he was younger, and we continue to have him nap at 1 PM. Love the eat/play/sleep parent guided scheduling. I am encouraged reading this though as I think about the second one coming along (no, no pregnant, but I always plan and think ahead!) and wondering how the schedules will coincide and work together. Thanks for sharing!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Ashley! Thanks for your comment! I’m so glad you had a good experience with this type of a schedule too! And yes, it is totally possible with another one – you will be a rockstar! 🙂

  6. avatar
    Laila says:

    Was all set to follow your blog when I read “fill ourselves up by pursuing christ” – seriously, get a freaking life!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Laila – thank you for taking the time to comment. Have a great night!

      1. avatar

        Haters gonna hate 🙂 that’s how you know you’re doing something worthwhile – and you totally are. I love your blog. I started using your schedule with my twins when you posted it to our twin group & have been using it with Crawford so far too. I’ve loved having kids the same age as yours and even though we’ve never met, I feel like I’ve known you for years.

        1. avatar
          MommysMeTime says:

          Aww, I love having kids close in age too Emily! I agree, I feel like I’ve known you forever! 🙂 Thanks for being so sweet! 🙂

  7. avatar

    Thank you for posting this! My pediatrician has been trying to get us on this same schedule. My son (our first) is only 4 weeks old and he wakes every 2 hours at night and is so hard to keep awake during the day. If he’s awake and I’m holding him then he thinks he needs to be eating. He cries to be fed every hour during the day. I don’t know that we will ever make 3 hour stretches.

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hey Jenna! It sounds like you’re doing a great job! Those first few weeks are all about figuring out what works best for your baby! Soon enough he’ll get his days and nights switched around and he’ll be doing longer night stretches for you! Hang in there – you WILL sleep again! 🙂 Keep up the great work!

  8. avatar
    Crista says:

    Amber I love how humble & thoughtful you are! The fact that you would think that a suggestion or tips on a schedule could come across as this is the one and only way….I wouldn’t have even thought of it as I share my suggestions. You are so considerate and seem to always be thinking of how is this going to make others feel? It’s a great reminder!
    I think sharing what worked for you is an excellent idea. You are so right that it won’t work for all. For some it won’t work to be that scheduled and some children just won’t follow the schedule. Yet for the others the consistently and routine will be what they count on and it will work almost perfectly.
    You mentioned a wrench gets thrown in there and can mess things up a bit…this schedule work almost perfect for Graham. Teething, dropping the am nap, pooping during the afternoon nap and a change in the schedule would mess things up a bit but otherwise this type of schedule worked awesome! But like you said every child is different. I did the same type of schedule with the girls and they seem to almost never follow it! I’m a scheduled person and so badly wanted then to. Latelt they have been teething and it’s been worst but it just hasn’t worked as smoothly altogether. They are 16 months and are still up once during the night (more with teething). They rarely take an am nap but get crabby and tired like they need one but just won’t fall sleep. The afternoon nap is 40min- 1 1/2hrs. Sometimes 1 won’t fall asleep and is screaming so I get her up and try to put her down in a little while. I only bring this up to the moms that read this, try it and it doesn’t work (but try it if you like it bc when it works it’s wonderful)! For those that it doesn’t work for try to find something that does and when one is awake while the others are sleeping try to enjoy that one on one time and remind yourself in a few short years they will be off at school and you will miss this time.
    Thanks again Amber for your encouragement to moms, your humbleness, and thoughtfulness!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Crista! I am so glad you took the time to write this. What a GREAT reminder and point. I’ve always admired you and how adaptable you are to your kids’ needs. I love that you soak up the one on one time when they don’t nap at the same time and really look for the positives when things don’t always go as you expect. You are such a good mom. And what a great reminder for moms who try this and a schedule just isn’t in the cards for them. Every child is so different, and it’s wonderful moms like you who make us realize just how lucky we are no matter how things go! Love you friend! 🙂

  9. avatar
    alexandra robertson says:

    Hi Amber,
    You have a lovely blog and family from what I can see. I have a 3 month old who struggles with a schedule, but we are working on it. Actually, I am writing this as he just went back down after waking for a feeding and refused to go back to sleep for an hour. I wad wondering if your kids use overnight diapers, and if so, what brand? Baby seems to wake sometimes because he is wet in the night and not just hungry. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    1. avatar
      Sarah says:

      I have a 19 month old son and have had good luck with Huggies overnights. We started with Pampers overnights (when he was maybe 3 months old) but he was occasionally leaking out of them due to gaps caused while sleeping and moving around. We thought this might more of a “boy” issue. Huggies seem to be better so far, for us! also try a size larger and keep it tight on the tummy.

    2. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      I’ve always used Huggies brand diapers – not the overnight ones, but just the 12 hour ones (not sure what the official name is). I’ve always gone a little bigger with the diapers too, and kept them tight around the waist. Good luck!

  10. avatar
    Lauren says:


    As I sit and read this, I think of oh how I wanted to be a scheduler when my first was born and it just didn’t work for me. I scheduled feedings but everything else was just go with the flow. Now, that Ava is 18 months we have some what of a schedule and it is working. I pray to be more of a scheduler in May when the new baby comes. I will be trying this schedule out as I pray to become a stay at home mom this time. Thank you for all your encouraging words and lessons. You are an amazing person. Keep up the great job.

  11. avatar
    Alicia says:

    Hi Amber-

    Thanks for this recommendation. I can’t wait to give it a try starting next week- a weekend away from home always brings for a bit of crazy, unmanageable scheduling so probably not the best time to start to try something new! 🙂 Anyway, how do you go about keeping your littles up and entertained? I think the girls are definitely needing to be awake more during the day to make our nights a bit more functional but it seems that after they are awake for about 15 min. they become fussy because they are sleepy. I find myself swaddling and them sleeping for about 2-3 hours then. I’d love to help them get beyond the 3 1/2/4 hr stretch in the night…for all of us!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Alicia! Keeping them awake and happy during those early months is SO tough! When there are TWO to hold and console it is quite a job. I’ll admit we endured a lot of crying during those early months. It is so tough to listen to. One thing that might work is to slowly build up the awake time. So like if they get up at 7:00am, feed them, change them, keep them awake, shake rattles in front on their faces, sing silly songs, whatever it takes to keep them happy and awake, and then when you start to notice them getting crabby try to keep them awake for maybe 5 more minutes beyond that. Then feed them again, which takes up some more time, before swaddling them and putting them down for their morning nap. Maybe the first day you only make it until 8:30 before you have to feed them and put them down, but gradually they’ll be able to stay up close to 9:00am. The hardest stretches for me during the day when the girls were young was the 11:00 – 1:00 stretch and the 4:00 – 7:00 stretch. A catnap was definitely necessary during both of those stretches, but limiting it to 10 – 15 minutes really helped. All I can say is that from my experience, putting in some hard work during the early months and getting them scheduled really helped our sanity. After the first few months my girls became such amazing sleepers. I’m not sure what your sleeping arrangements are or what you feel comfortable with, but we started the girls in their cribs the day they came home from the hospital and I think that really helped them too. Good luck Alicia! You WILL sleep again! I think about you so often. You can do it! Hugs to you!

  12. avatar

    I love this!!! I’m due with our first (a boy) in early Jan and while I’ve nannied for the past 5 years, I’ve never set up a schedule for a newborn! It’s so overwhelming! I love the plan of feeding every 3 hours (eat/wake/sleep) and would obviously love to get him to a point quickly where he’s sleeping thru the night (don’t we all want that?! ;)). Can you explain the schedule a little more for me? You mentioned feeding every 3 hours but in the details, it seems like you’re feeding every 2? Or am I just misunderstanding?? I’d love any help you can give! 🙂 love following you on IG and am looking forward to more of these posts!!

  13. avatar

    Love this! I did a similar schedule with my first and have to admit I’ve been lax with our now 5 week old. We need to get her used to her crib:) I think I’m holding out because she’s our last. Curious how you handle being gone for naps? Or are you always home? We do MOPS and BSF and I know morning naps will be thrown off for awhile. Thanks for always being encouraging:)

  14. avatar
    Jaime says:

    This schedule is similar to what we’re trying with our first kiddo who’s 10 weeks. What different is how you stretch the awake times to prep for a longer nap rather than mini naps between cycles. I feel like the longer awake times would allow for guilt-free errands! Now, I have to take away a nap to go on errands because my guy is too alert to sleep in his car seat when we’re out. 🙁 One question I have is, did baby get used to sucking-to-sleep? I’m all for the swaddled feeds and it seems to help baby sleep longer stretches too, but I’m wondering if baby becomes dependent? As a first time mom, sanity comes first so maybe it doesn’t matter in the end HOW the sanity comes. Ha! Also, does baby adjust well when one or two days a week have to be adjusted (like Sunday for church, for instance). Thanks!

  15. avatar
    Jaime says:

    Also, how long do you continue this schedule? Did you move toward 4-hour cycles/feeding less, and how did that look? Sorry for all the questions; yours is the first schedule I’ve loved so now I’m curious how you adapted as they got older…

  16. avatar

    Hi Amber! This is the article I have been waiting for…haha! I have wondering how you get them all napping at the same time. So my question is: does one of your twins ever wake up before the other during naps? Sometimes my twins take turns taking a shorter nap and waking up before her sister. What do you do if one twin sleeps shorter…wake the other one up as well? Do they always sleep the same length of time ? This seems to be out biggest napping issue. Oh and that one of my girls is ready for one nap a day and the other definitely still needs two! The challenges of two babies…. 😉

  17. avatar

    Thank you for this wonderful post! With baby #3 arriving in April, I will definitely be implementing these tips! My first son never was on a schedule. It worked for us because we didn’t have a rigid schedule, as parents. But with our 2nd son, we needed a bit more structure. And now with our 3rd, boy oh boy, am I going to start early on, with a sleep schedule! Again, thanks for the wisdom.

  18. avatar
    Bethany says:

    Just a little spooky, our schedules are almost identical, wow!! I’ve only got two (boy 3.5 & girl 1), but its my saving grace for them to be down at the same time each day for naps!! I’m by nature not a scheduler, but I’ve learned that it does set me up to succeed if I keep to it!! Thanks for all of your time & efforts into your writings, it’s a wonderful thing you’re doing!!

  19. avatar

    It sounds like the “work” you’ve put into getting your kids to nap is really paying off. Great job! I am not sure I can incorporate all of your suggestions – as much as I love a schedule, ours varies from day to day depending on if it is a day I am at work or not.

    My biggest question would be this: how do you get your oldest to fall asleep on his own, and is he still in a crib or “big boy bed”? Sam is 2.5 and falls asleep okay in a crib, but when we moved him to a big boy bed, he needs someone to lay down beside him. We are going to need the crib for baby number two in December, but since he gets up so often, we’ve hauled out the pack n play to get him to sleep better. Hopefully the he pack n play will hold us out until he learns he is big enough to climb out of it– then I am nervous we are going to be stuck with a jack-n-the-box — getting out of bed and not falling asleep on his own. Any suggestions?

  20. avatar

    I’m curious more about your night time schedule the first month. Do you keep feeding baby every 3 hours through the night? And do you also try to keep baby awake some before putting baby back to sleep?

    Thanks so much for sharing! We are due any day and I’m definitely hoping to have a schedule so we can have a ‘good sleeper’. 🙂 here’s hoping!

  21. avatar

    Great post! I was wondering if you think you will be able to keep your kids on the same schedule when the baby is just taking two naps a day. My friends that have gone through that have been stuck at home from 10-4 or so to accommodate a child taking one nap and another taking two. How do you think that will work for you? So glad you’re able to preserve some time for yourself now!

  22. avatar

    Getting my boys to nap at the same time was my saving grace. Great idea sharing this post!

  23. avatar
    Andrea Bruzgul says:

    I am a new mom to one month old twin boys and girl. We have been on a 3hr schedule for feeding but I find it hard at times during the day to keep them up after a feeding. I was just wondering if you had any tricks? Also when you put the twins down for their naps throughout the day do they go in awake or drowsy? Thank you so much!


  24. avatar

    Hi Amber,

    My twins will be two months old on the 13th. I am desperately trying to get a routine going, but it not going as I planned lol. I was so blessed that my now 1 1/2 year old slept 8 hours at 8 weeks old- not getting so lucky with my boys. They are wanting to eat every three to four hours, but then taking an hour to eat and put themselves back to sleep. I am waking both to feed, but worried that I might be making a habit by always waking both babies. Did you always wake both girls to feed them?

  25. […] This is the second post is a series called “You Asked.”  View the first post, You Asked: How I Get My Kids To Nap At The Same Time. […]

  26. avatar
    Sarah says:

    Love all your posts! Your blog has become a daily staple and love the info you share.

    Question about when your girls were young, when did you do bath time with them? My girls are a little over 2 months old and I go back to work March 1st while they are on a decent schedule I want a more solid schedule and was just curious how you handled that. Thank you 🙂

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