This week cold weather came to the Twin Cities out of nowhere. With snow on the ground first thing Monday morning, overnight we were forced to switch gears from Fall to Winter, meaning everything takes just a little longer. As a mom with small kids, when I think about cold weather, I think about all the extra time it takes to put on coats, boots, mittens, hats, and any other winter gear to keep us safe out in the elements.

I normally love to get out of the house with my kids, but when it gets cold, I lose a lot of motivation. I can no longer just throw everyone in the car at a moment’s notice. Instead, it takes a good 30 minutes just to get our layers on.

Not to mention, pushing a stroller or shopping cart through a snow-covered parking lot might just be one of the most tiring activities that exists.

SO, last winter I decided to make my life a little easier. I had my groceries DELIVERED TO MY DOOR. And it was AH-MAZING.


Coborns Delivers serves the great Twin Cities area. Here’s how it works. You simply go online, place your order, select when you want it delivered, and wait for it to be delivered to your front door. Or don’t wait. You don’t have to be home when they deliver. Thanks to these awesome green boxes, everything is packaged safely and can wait several hours for you to get home.

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The refrigerated and frozen items are delivered in coolers, and your groceries come with a packing list so you can make sure everything you ordered is included.

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When you’re done with the green containers you can put them back outside and schedule a pick-up, or they’ll simply pick them up when they bring your next delivery.

Before I started using this, my first thought was, “I bet it’s pretty expensive.” Well, while it’s true that some of the items are a bit more pricey than Target, I have to say that when I use Coborns I usually end up spending less. I think there are a couple of reasons for this. When I’m able to shop at home, I can choose to do it when I have a few minutes to myself. I’m not distracted by trying to keep kids happy in the cart. And now, with their mobile app I can literally shop whenever I have a few free minutes throughout the day.

I can take time and intentionally meal plan and figure out exactly what I need for the week. And I’m also not distracted by end caps with all kinds of things that I usually end up grabbing but don’t need. I mean let’s be real, does anyone ever leave Target without spending an extra $50?

For the record, I’m not knocking Target. It’s still one of my favorite places on earth. But during the winter I use it more as a place to take mini-vacations by myself to get a cup of coffee and shop for clothes or home decor.

In all seriousness, if you are thinking about trying this, don’t let the slightly higher prices and $5 delivery fee scare you away. I promise, it is TOTALLY worth it, and if you’re like me, you’ll actually end up saving money.

I also love that I have the ability to create lists that allow me to reorder items easily from a previous order. It’s possible for me to be done shopping within five minutes.

When Coborns reached out to me a few weeks ago and asked if I’d like to partner with them, I was pretty excited that I’d have a chance to share about them with you AND give you good incentive to give it a try!

For those of you who live in the Coborns Delivers Twin Cities delivery area, they are giving away $25 in free groceries to one lucky winner! Enter using Rafflecopter below. The giveaway will go through Thursday November 20th and the winner will be announced on Friday.

To anyone who wants to give Coborns Delivers a try, here’s what they are offering to Mommy’s Me Time readers:

New customers can save $20 off their first order with promo code: METIME

Fine print: *Offer good on first order only at and must be delivered by 11/30/2015. Order must total $100 after other promo codes or coupons are applied (not including alcohol, tobacco, stamps, gift certificates or delivery fee). One redemption per account.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and stay warm!



About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    I love this feature! I found it shortly after having my little one and have been using it on either difficult days, and now especially on these cold days!

  2. avatar
    Hannah says:

    Love this!

  3. avatar
    Melissa says:

    I would totally live this. Living in minnesota I can totally understand the pain of grocery shopping in the freezing cold. I’m debating on trying this service as it would allow me extra time to spend with my husband and 7 month old little girl!!

  4. avatar
    Candice Kantor says:

    I’ve always wanted to try this! It seems so convenient but. Was afraid f the cost.

  5. avatar

    Going to the grocery store can actually be my escape sometimes, but you can’t beat getting exactly what you need and having it come right to your door!

  6. avatar

    How would I use the time saved? Oh, goodness – sleep! I am 6 months pregnant with #4 and need all the rest I can get. 🙂

  7. avatar

    I’m so excited to do this! I’m ordering this year’s Thanksgiving ingredients! I normally use Byerly’s delivery, but a free $20?! Yay!!

  8. avatar
    Jennifer says:

    How nice would this be?! I would love to try it!

  9. avatar

    I would save a TON of time not to mention I wouldn’t have to drag the kiddos out in the cold:)

  10. avatar
    Lauryn says:

    I think I may have to try this because I would save so much time!

  11. avatar

    Find time to blog more and work on house projects!!!

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