
When I had my first baby, I had a closet FULL of clothes for him. Some were from baby showers and the rest were hand-me-downs. I don’t think I purchased a single item of clothing for him until he was around a year old.

We didn’t have lots of extra money to spend on clothes, so I would often go to garage sales. I wanted to have a few nice outfits for church and special occasions, but for the most part I just needed play clothes. Since kids tend to outgrow clothes before they wear out, it wasn’t too hard to find second hand clothes that were perfectly fine.

Then I had twins. And they were GIRLS. And it was SO fun for me to dress them alike. But unless I bought used clothes from other twin moms, it wasn’t as quick and easy to find second hand options in matching sets. So I started to look for places where I could buy brand new.

For the most part, I stick to the regular stores like Gap, Carter’s, and Target for play clothes.

I’ve gotten a few items from the Garanimals line available at Walmart too.

However, I would love to broaden my horizons and find new places to shop for play clothes at affordable prices! Now that I have four kids I feel like I constantly have someone growing out of a size and needing something new!

Please let a comment and let me know where I need to go shopping!

Thanks for your help!



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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Garanimals. The opinions and text are all mine.

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Bridget says:

    Consignment sales! They start up here in MN in a few weeks and there are many in the area (I live in Oakdale). I take inventory of what is needed and usually find everything I need without spending a lot. I love consignment shops. Old navy is another place I shop for him.

  2. avatar
    Megan Malenosky says:

    I buy a lot of the Jumping Beans separstes from Kohls. They are very affordable and are bright colors and fun designs. The shirts tend to shrink in length after awhile, but I figure I only need to get one season out of them.

  3. avatar
    Christina says:

    I agree with Jumping Beans at Kohls!! Old Navy, especially clearance!! Amen to saving some of those head earned dollars!!

  4. avatar
    Mary says:

    I am obsessed with Crazy 8! They run amazing sales, sometimes the clothes are so nice I have to dig for play clothes. But who can pass up a good sale!! ☺️

  5. avatar
    Christy Kerr says:

    When I first became a mom I got a gift card to The Children’s Place. I went in there and walked right back out saying to myself “I’ll never shop in there.” I have no idea when/how/why I gave it another chance, I think it had something to do with a gift card and needing a certain item they carried. Anyway, when I started looking at their sales, I was amazed at how low I could get new clothes! Their website is awesome too…often with free shipping and a coupon for 25-30% off everything (even clearance!). I rarely, can probably say never, buy things there for regular price, but if you stop in at the end of the season you can find some great deals. Last year in late February I stopped in and found a ton for long sleeve t-shirts for around $3 each!!! The quality is so much nicer than Walmart too.

    Otherwise, I do a lot of second hand shopping and I also hit Target, Kohls (some but ONLY with a coupon too) and of course Walmart too.

    One other tip I will give you (mom of 3 now so I am getting into the swing of it). Make a tub for clothes for the next size up. Shop at the end of the season for the next size up and then throw it in the tub. When they are ready to switch clothes, you will have a whole wardrobe and you bought everything on clearance. I am a complete spreadsheet geek so I make one for each kid that lists the type of clothing (long sleeve shirts, pants, short sleeve shirts, shorts, etc.) and then how many I want, how many I have, how many I need. I TRY to keep it up-to-date or at least update it before a shopping trip where I know I will be hitting the sale racks. Then I keep it in my purse so anytime I am out and about I know what things each kid is needing for the next size up. One night I stopped at Walmart alone (I have no idea how I pulled that off) but they happen to have put a ton of clothes on the rack for $1!!! I was so glad I knew exactly what things we were needing.

    Good luck!

  6. avatar

    I agree this is a challenge! Lately I have been buying higher quality clothes for our 5 year old that someday our 1.5 year old boy twin can wear too. For the rest of our kids clothes I agree with Old Navy, Kohls and even JCPenney and Sears who always have some kind of sale. I also love high quality thrifted clothes from ThredUp. They have an awesome app and website, and is where I always buy jeans, sweaters and some jackets and skirts for the kids. Is the link for $10 off too.

    1. avatar

      Oh and for a little more info on my ThredUp finds last fall, I posted about it here with some pics too. I am addicted to the site sometimes though!! Maybe not a good thing!

      1. avatar
        MommysMeTime says:

        This looks awesome! Thanks so much for sharing, Keri!

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