FullSizeRender-1Over the past few months I’ve made a 180 when it comes to nutrition, and I’m now constantly on the lookout for ways I can incorporate healthy nutrients into my family.

I was absolutely thrilled when I was selected for a FitFluential campaign with The Vitamin Shoppe. They gave me a $100 gift card and gave me free reign to explore the store and find things that would enhance my lifestyle.

I first discovered The Vitamin Shoppe shortly after I had my twins and was desperate to keep my milk supply up. I went there regularly to keep stocked up on Brewer’s yeast and fenugreek. I was always super impressed by the customer service I received. They were always very intentional about explaining the products to me and intentionally making recommendations.

For that reason, I knew saying yes to this campaign was a no brainer. I truly have had nothing but great experiences there, and tonight was no different.

I told him I was looking for general recommendations for kids and adult products, and he gave me a brief tour of the store. I ended up wandering around for over an hour reading labels because I was out of the house WITHOUT kids and that never happens! Livin’ it up at Vitamin Shoppe…I tell ya. My Friday nights get pretty crazy these days. 😉


I ended up getting a probiotic for my kids because I’ve had so many friends tell me how important that that is and how much it can help keep kids healthy.

I also got a men’s multivitamin (Ultimate Man Gold) for Jake and a women’s (Ultimate Women Gold) for me. I chose Vitamin Shoppe for those because they are running an awesome buy one get one half off on all their products right now. We haven’t been on a multivitamin for a while so I figured that was a good idea.

The last two things I purchased were Wheat Grass powder and Chia Seeds. I’m HUGE into protein shakes right now, and I’m excited to have these nutrient packed items to add to the mix. I’ve had wheat grass shots at juice bars before, but never at home. I’m excited to give it a try since its packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. The Chia seeds will be nice to throw in when I want to add a little more substance to keep myself full longer, plus they’re chuck full of protein and fiber.

A huge thank you to Vitamin Shoppe for making it another great shopping experience, and for the awesome box of sample products they sent me as well! This tee is so comfy! (And a big shout out to the employees at the Woodbury, MN location who dealt so graciously and patiently with a very difficult customer ahead of me in line!)

I’m so curious, what are your favorite supplements and vitamins that are a part of your family’s regular routine?

#fithappens #FitFluential

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Vitamin Shoppe.


About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Jennifer says:

    I am a huge fan of whole food vitamins. I use new chapter and garden of life for most of my vitamins. I just recently found “natures dynamic” while I was looking for gummy vitamins for my toddlers. I am really liking using their children’s multivitamin and omega 3 fish oil gummies. I typically give my kids homemade yogurt everyday for probiotics but I also have a powdered probiotic I can give them when I’m out of yogurt. For my vitamins I take a prenatal multi, iron because I’m typically low on iron, a calcium/magnesium to keep from getting middle cramps and weakness when I do my martial arts, vitamin d on rainy days, garlic to boost my immune system and fermented cod liver oil/butter oil for my teeth. I also found a flax seed ground with berries that I put in my yogurt and it gives me a little boost in my milk production to keep up with my growing baby. 🙂

  2. avatar
    Krystal says:

    We use the daily nutrient pack fro doTERRA for us parents and their kids’ chewable multivitamin for the big kids. I noticed a HUGE increase in energy when I started taking them, which actually happened to coincide with when we were sleep training the 11 month old twinsies, so I was NOT getting much sleep. Having my energy increase during that time was really significant. I LOVE them. 🙂

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