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Last weekend my husband and I had the opportunity to spend a couple days together without the kids. We try to do this a couple times a year, and each and every time we do it I’m reminded why it’s SO IMPORTANT.

Having children has been hard on our marriage. It’s one of those things that you hear might happen, but somehow you think you’ll be the one couple who can overcome the challenges. After having our first baby, I remember thinking, “This isn’t so bad! We totally have this married with a baby thing down.” 

Then after the honeymoon stage wore off, and we each resumed daily life, we started to understand just how little time we got with each other. We didn’t live close to family, and were adjusting to life on one income, so we weren’t able to hire a babysitter as often as our marriage probably needed.

But all things considered, we were doing okay.

A year and a half later, the twins were born. We had three kids under two and I soon felt like we were drifting apart at record pace. Not necessarily in a way that was detrimental to our marriage, because we’re both committed to this thing for the long hall, but what’s dangerous is that it can be so easy for us to become roommates instead of soul mates.

Day in and day out, we went through the motions. He’d go to work, and I’d kiss him goodbye. I’d feel anxious every time he left because it meant I was by myself all day with three babies.

He’d come home, I’d look and feel like a hot mess, and would then hand him a baby. Or TWO.

We’d get through the crazy witching hour, get everyone fed, bathed, and tucked in bed, and there we’d be, finally face to face for the first time that day.

By that point, we were on totally different pages. He was ready to be intimate, and I was ready to chat and catch up because I felt like I hardly knew him! He felt like I wasn’t prioritizing his needs, and I felt like he wasn’t prioritizing mine. And so we’d continue in this vicious cycle, trying to figure out how to ignite the spark that once brought us together.

Sometimes we’d figure it out, and sometimes we wouldn’t, which would make for a long day when we woke up in the morning.

Then we went to Mexico and BAM, pregnant with baby number four. And while we were excited about adding another precious baby, we both admitted that we were worried about how it would affect our marriage.

Honestly, the first six months with four kids was rough. My husband felt like he was on the back burner. I spent so much time and energy focusing on the kids, and there was very little time left for the two of us.

We had several serious conversations and arguments trying to figure out how to fix it. Sometimes it felt hopeless because I didn’t know how to make more hours in the day. While I wanted so badly to prioritize my marriage, I honestly didn’t know how to find the time or energy.

From that point on, we decided that we were going to commit to at least two vacations per year without the kids. One for about a week, and then we’d also try to sneak in a weekend getaway here and there.

We also discovered that another huge piece in being able to connect intimately was taking care of ourselves. We were living in survival mode, and were trying to give to each other when we were running on empty. We BOTH committed to a healthy lifestyle. For the past six months, we have been eating healthy and working out consistently. And we’ve learned that what we fuel our bodies with makes such a difference. When he takes care of himself, it makes me feel like I’m worth it. And when I take care of myself, he feels the same way. At 29, we both feel like we’re in the best shape of our lives. I feel SEXY! I feel good about myself, both physically and emotionally, and it makes me want my husband. I know it makes us all blush to read that, but let’s be real, all of us old married folks could use MORE SEX in our lives. Amen?


Last weekend really was wonderful. We got to fall in love all over again. We went out to dinner, walked around Vegas, and stayed out until 1:00am. I don’t remember WHEN the last time was that we did that, but it was so good for us to act like kids again. We talked into all hours of the night, and I was reminded of the thousands of reasons why I love my man so much.

I’m not saying we have it all figured out. But we’re intentionally pursuing each other, and that’s a lot more than we were doing before. I don’t want to use kids as an excuse to not work on my marriage. I don’t want to settle for good when I know we can be great. We’re meant to be LOVERS. We GET to flirt with each other. So you better believe it that I’m going to do everything in my power to catch his eye!

I know this season of life can be tiresome, and sometimes that last thing we want is to give ourselves to yet one more person at the end of the day. But I’d love to challenge all of us to pursue our spouses. Surprise them. Tease them. FLIRT with them. Life’s too short to become complacent in our marriages!



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!


About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Courtney D. says:

    AMEN!! Thanks for being the one to say it. Having a child 3 years ago has changed our relationship tremendously! Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to take a vacation just the two of us once or twice a year to refresh our marriage. Thank you for this post, posting what (I hope) most couples goes through helps us to know we’re not alone!

  2. avatar

    Thanks for sharing this! It is great advice, and it is very encouraging to read. You guys seem to be doing something right! Happy to see you guys really enjoying your time together 🙂

  3. avatar

    I really think this can happen whether you have kids or not over time. Dave and I have been together 7 years with no kids, but both working hard at what we are each doing and yeah…a lot of times feeling like death by the end of the day. I really think it’s important for all couples to get AWAY from all responsibilities for even a day. It’s so refreshing just to focus on each other!

    And yes, eating well and working out helps with the physical aspects. I wish I could blog about this stuff lol. 🙂

  4. avatar
    Emily says:

    A great study I did this Spring is called “Passion Pursuit” by Authentic Intimacy – it has helped me in this same vein very much!!! We are trying to make a date night once per WEEK a priority – realizing as our kids get older and talk more and more we have even less time to communicate. Anyway! check it out – it’s SO good!

  5. avatar
    Stef says:

    Thank you so so much for writing such a honest post. My sister had a baby shortly after me and her and her husband seem to be closer than ever whereas my husband and I are definitely living more like roommates than lovers. We both have the same mindset of making this work but like you we want it not to be good but great! Anyways thank you for posting and helping me to see I’m not alone and my husband and I can do this!

  6. avatar

    One thing I constantly remind myself is that once the kids are grown and move out it will be the two of use again. Our marriage comes first, then kids. It can be so exhausting but we try to make time for each other to connect. We recently left out child for the first time overnight for a mini anniversary trip and it was amazing!!

  7. avatar
    Janelle says:

    This was great to read! With 3 BOYS under 5 I feel like you took the words right out of my mouth. It’s so hard to switch from mommy mode after 12 hours and to find the energy to do ANYTHING once the kids are in bed. Thank you for writing this, it’s given me motivation and made me happy that I’m not alone 🙂

  8. avatar

    Absolutely! When my husband and I both workout regularly and eat well, we feel SO much better about ourselves and have more confidence…which leads to a lot more excitement!! 😉 And when we took a week-long vacation for the first time since our kids were born (we also had a two year old when our twins were born), it was AMAZING! We talked SO much and just enjoyed being with each other again. I can’t remember the last time we had so few responsibilities like we usually do in our day to day life…we could finally relax. Reading this post made me realize I really need to schedule our next vacation for just the two of us!

  9. avatar

    Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability! I can relate to much of what you said and that’s just with 2 kids under 3. I’m curious if you are still on one income and if so, how do you work those vacations into your budget? Sounds like such a good suggestion to reconnect, but I’m wondering if we would be able to make it work. Again, thank you for sharing your story, I think it’s something a lot of people struggle with and how important it is to connect with our spouse during these difficult years with little ones.

  10. avatar
    Marie says:

    This is so great! We have a one year old and are always trying to figure out how to make more time for US! I find our biggest problem is not arranging date nights (we have family close and lots of great babysitters), but figuring out what to talk about. We are self employed and my husband is very much an entrepreneur and so we usually spend our date nights talking about what to do next. It’s frustrating but also needs to be discussed. So, do you set guidelines about what can and cannot be talked about? Or just let the discussion happen and try again next time?

  11. avatar

    My wife and I are in the exact same kid boost you were in! A 2 year old boy and three month old twin girls. Ahhhhhh! It’s insane. I am very glad I married my best friend. But you are right – it’s a lot of survival mode!
    Really enjoyed your story and insight.

  12. avatar

    *boat. See. Life is so insane I can’t even type.

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