Thank you for your interest in my Made To Crave boot camp starting on Monday! I’m really excited about this boot camp because it’s near and dear to my heart. For years I struggled with my nutrition, often times turning to food for comfort and then later regretting it. The book and devotional “Made To …
Work Out
We all know that having kids can take a toll on our bodies. We’ll likely never have the same bods as we did in high school or college, which in my opinion is a beautiful mark of being a momma. However, breaking a sweat does so much more than help us to lose baby weight. More importantly it releases endorphins that can keep us feeling calm and sexy! When we feel good, we exude confidence. We can use that confidence to love on our families!
Test Group For 645: 6 Workouts A Week, 4 Minutes A Day!
In case you’re new around here, in addition to being a mom of four and blogger, I’m an online fitness coach for busy mommas! Six years ago I started a Beachbody program when I was trying to get back to feeling my best after having babies, and fell in love with the way they produced …
Get Up & Move For 100 Days In A Row: #WorkItOut100
I’m so excited to introduce you to the gals at #WorkItOut100 today! I actually met Amanda at the gym a few months ago and was so inspired by her story! I’ll let them take it away from here! I hope you’ll take them up on their invitation at the end! Fitness has always been a …

You Asked: How I Structure My Days As A Stay-At-Home Mom
I’m often asked what our days look like around here. Well, that’s a great question. We’ve been adding new members to our family for the past three years, and I feel like it ebbs and flows with each season we’re in. Sometimes we’re in survival mode, and other times it feels like there’s a rhythm …
Healthy Snack Idea: Banana Nut Salad
Jake and I are a day and a half into our Whole30 challenge and so far I’m enjoying the process of teaching my mind to be more intentional about the food choices I make. What I’ve come to realize is that I was doing quite a bit of mindless snacking through the day. Mostly when …
Our Family Gym Membership
Working out has always been important to me. While obviously it’s good for my physical health, I’m actually more motivated to do it because of how it makes me feel emotionally. Breaking a good sweat is an amazing stress reliever and gives me a sense of calm. It gets rid of my negative energy and …
Where To Buy Cute & Affordable Workout Clothes + Week 6 Update
I can’t believe we’ve already reached Thursday again! The week has gotten away from me a bit! Okay, so before I play catch up and share the weekly mileage update for Mommy Needs to MOVE, I wanted to take a minute and chat about workout gear. For me, a quality workout starts with me feeling …
Mommy Needs to MOVE Week 2 Update!
Before we get to the summer fitness challenge update (which you guys rocked, by the way!) I wanted to take a few minutes and share a little bit about how God’s been working in my mind lately. If I had to use one word to describe how I felt much of the last week it …
Jump In the Moment
I love how the simplest outings have the ability to bring overwhelming joy. This morning Baylen and I went on a date to an indoor playground here in Woodbury called Lookout Ridge. I’ve been trying to plan special little things like this for the two of us to do, knowing that I won’t have as …