When you have four kids within three years, you come to terms with the fact that diaper changing is about 90% of your profession. For the past two and a half years, I’ve had three kids in diapers at a time. I’m convinced I would DOMINATE a competition for the world’s fastest diaper changer.

In many ways, I’m okay with it. It means that my kids are still little, and that they need me for almost everything.

Then there are days when there is blow-out after blow-out and my house literally smells like poop all day long. Not only that, but when I go to change them their little butts are so sore and raw that they fight me the whole way through.

This means we’ve also had our fair share of diaper rashes and have tried nearly everything on the market. One time my kids all had rotavirus and stuff was coming out their back ends so quickly that I ran to Target and grabbed what felt like every last diaper ointment off the shelf in hopes that at least ONE would do the job.

I’m also in several mom groups and have heard dozens of different remedies to cure diaper rash, and have tried almost all of them. From essential oils to epsom salt, to coconut oil. You name it, I’ve tried it. And I’ve definitely found some pretty decent solutions!

But I’m always up for trying something new in hopes that it just might be a little bit better.

When Flanders Buttocks Ointment reached out to me and told me about their product, I was intrigued.

Flanders 2

First of all, it’s a family business that has been successful for over 30 years. It started when the founder, who is a pharmacist, was repeatedly being asked by young moms for the very best solution to diaper rashes. When the products that were already on his shelves weren’t doing the trick, he realized there was a need for a more effective product, and sought out to create one himself.

He developed a product containing zinc oxide(skin protectant/moisture barrier) and peruvian balsam(promotes healing) that helps to soothe, treat and prevent diaper rash where most of their competitors’ creams only aid to prevent. Fast forward 30 years and now their product is available in virtually any pharmacy in the US.

After hearing this, I knew I had to give their product a try.

When it arrived, I immediately put it to use. I was expecting it to be like many other diaper creams I’ve used in the past. However, it was actually quite different.

The first thing I noticed was the consistency and texture. When I use most diaper ointments, it’s a sticky greasy mess to get off my fingers. Not this. Honestly, this may have been my favorite part of the whole product. EASY clean up. When my kids kick and wiggle and don’t want me to put on their ointment and it gets all over their legs, usually I’m literally chasing them around and scrubbing off the grease. With this, it felt like lotion instead. Anything that was left on my hand or on their bodies either soaked in or was easy to get off.


More importantly though, is that Flanders absolutely does it’s job. Last week one of my girls had a pretty severe rash. I applied it before bedtime, and she woke up looking SO much better. Flanders is now the ointment I grab for and have handy. There’s one tube in my diaper caddy at home, and one in the diaper bag.

What’s awesome with this company, is that the two sons, who are also pharmacists, have taken very active roles in growing their business beyond their local pharmacy. If you are interested in purchasing Flanders at YOUR pharmacy, you can!

If they don’t already carry it, you simply need to print off this PDF and bring it along to your next visit and they’ll be able to add it to their shelf!

Flanders_Rx pads

Otherwise, if it’s easier for you, you can simply order on their website here: Buy Flanders Now, or on Amazon HERE!

Mommas, I get approached by dozens of companies each week, and I very carefully choose which products to review and promote. I’m telling you, Flanders is absolutely one that I will continue to buy. I am in the process of getting it at my own pharmacy and I hope you do too!

Flanders is giving away a gift basket with diapers, wipes, and a couple tubes of Flanders to one lucky Mommy’s Me Time reader! Enter using Rafflecopter below.

The giveaway will be open through Thursday, June 25th. You must have a U.S. mailing address to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



This post is sponsored by Flanders Buttocks Diaper Rash Ointment. All opinions are my own.

P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at amber@mommysmetime.com!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Sara H. says:

    This would come in super handy with a new baby due in July!

  2. avatar
    Kristy says:

    My toddler and my soon to be baby! Thanks so much!

  3. avatar
    Amy Spike says:

    As a new mom to be this is extremely helpful to know! I will be going through diapers, wipes, and rashes galore!

  4. avatar
    Megan says:

    I’m always hesitant to try new cream because I’ve always used Plender’s ointment since it’s a local product. This sounds like a similar history and product. I may have to try it!

  5. avatar
    LaDonna VerStrate says:

    Oh to have a diaper cream that isn’t plastered to your finger after you put it on your kiddo or hard to get off their legs because they are so squirmy and then it gets everywhere else!! I want this at my pharmacy!! Thank you for sharing!!

  6. avatar
    Rachel Lee says:

    My 14 month old daughter could totally use this right now!

  7. avatar
    Courtney Duesterhoeft says:

    My turkey of a 3 year old can STILL benefit from this as he goes in his pants and avoids me for just long enough for his tush to get sore.

  8. avatar
    Lindsay Hutchins says:

    I’m preggo w/ #3 and will be happy to have a diaper rash cream on hand that works!

  9. avatar

    I could definitely use this with two little ones in diapers.

  10. avatar
    Kate Stith says:

    Best cream ever!! My daughter had diaper rash so bad she was bleeding! I applied this twice a day for 2 days and it was gone! Now at the first sign of a rash I apply this and the next morning she is not longer red! Also, she didn’t squirm and curl her toes when she had a bad rash and I applied this ointment like she did with other diaper rash cream! I will ALWAYS recommend Flanders!

  11. avatar
    Katrina says:

    My two year old could definitely use this. Plus, I’m having another in August, so I definitely need to stock up!

  12. avatar
    Allie Hewitt says:

    I have a 13 month old who is definitely still in diapers, which means we are in need of a good diaper cream. Would love to try this brand!

  13. avatar
    Hannah Rygaard says:

    My twins definitely need something that works. I’ve tried everything and nothing works on their diaper rash. I think that some of the things I’ve tried have actually made it worse!

  14. avatar
    Kayla Z. says:

    Me! I would benefit from it since I have a little one in diapers who does NOT respond to the rash creams currently on the shelf 🙁 We too have to go to a local pharmacy to find a cream that does the job well.

  15. avatar
    Rebecca says:

    My two youngest children are still in diapers full time and we love Flanders! Been using it for 7 years and before that on the children I babysat as a teen. Thanks Flanders for making a quality product that has stood the test of time.

  16. avatar


    I need your help, can you spread Finn’s story for me.

    A 5 month old boy born with a heart condition had open heart surgery in April, he had complications and has been in the hospital ever since. Read more on facebook at Prayers for Finn

    He really is the happiest baby & has won my heart.

    I have put together an instagram auction to help raise money for his medical bills. @prayersforfinnauction #prayersforfinn

    please post a photo of Finn and tag @prayersforfinnauction so that your readers can check it out. It will be June 25

    AMAZING shops have come together in donations and now as bloggers its our responsibility to spread his awareness.

    Thank you so much
    xo, Michelle

  17. avatar
    Brooke says:

    Everyone in my family could benefit! I know my oldest could use it when she gets rashes and my 2 in diapers could def use it!

  18. avatar
    Christie T. says:

    We use Flanders at every diaper change and have not had a rash since starting! This is absolutely the best!

  19. avatar
    Sarah says:

    I LOVE Flanders. I learned about it from a friend when my now 5 year old was an infant, and it quickly became the only diaper creme I used on her, and have now used since birth on her 18 month old younger brother. I recommend it to my friends all the time!

  20. avatar
    Stacey Grantham says:

    I would love to try Flanders on my 14 yr old special needs son that has cerebral palsy and is unable to potty on his own. He stays really hot, and skin rash can be an issue. Zinc oxide is definitely not enough on its own. We go through a ton of wipes as well. While, I know this is geared toward babies, I am always looking for a great product for him as well. Thank you.

    1. avatar


      We actually have a few cerebral palsy clinics that purchase our product to use on their patients. They have provided us with excellent feedback when used as a moisture barrier to prevent rashes. Let your pharmacist know you would like to try our product and they should be able to order it for you if they don’t already have in stock. You can also order from our website at http://flandersbuttocksointment.com/products/4-oz-tube or through amazon. Thanks, hope our product can help.

  21. avatar
    Tasha Wilkerson says:

    We are planning a new baby within the next few months so this is perfect for us! Thank you for the chance!!

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