I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and looking forward to an amazing 2019!

We had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family in Minnesota and Iowa, and now we’re currently in Kansas City visiting my brother and sister-in-law and their two girls, and later today we’ll be heading to visit some friends in the area too!

While we’ve been traveling, we have been busy preparing for our January boot camps, and helping so many of you get registered! We are completely revamping the way we run our groups and I’m SO excited!

I absolutely LOVE a fresh year. As we get older, I tend to hear people talk about new year’s resolutions as being cliche, but I’m ALLLL about them. Why NOT take advantage of an opportunity to have a FRESH START?!

In my own health and fitness journey, I’ve learned that the most important thing for me is remembering that grace never runs out. It makes me so sad when people start a healthy lifestyle, fall off the bandwagon, and then beat themselves up about it and decide to quit altogether.

Guilt is NOT productive! The truth is, people who have success simply fail MORE often! When you fail and pick yourself up and start again, each fresh start makes you a little bit stronger. Eventually, as you try and try and try again, you pick up more and more healthy habits, and it becomes a lifestyle!

If you are someone reading this right now who is feeling discouraged about your progress, I    want you to know that you CAN do this. No matter how many times you’ve failed in the past, you can choose to make TODAY the first day of the rest of your life! You are not defined by your past failures! I have failed SO many times, and still do today! But I don’t let that hold me back from trying again!

This January, I’m excited to announce that we have 3 different options for you so that you can hop into a group where you have the biggest chance for success. I’ve found that I normally have three types of people who reach out to me for help, so I have created three different communities to meet you where you’re at!

Our communities have changed my life and have helped me to get into the best shape of my life after having 4 kids, and have done the same for thousands of others in our fit family! I can’t WAIT for them to do the same thing for you! The biggest thing you’ll love is that you are NOT left to figure it out on your own! You will have the love, encouragement, and support from all of us!

Below are descriptions of each of our boot camps and how you can register TODAY!

Option #1: Beginner Boot Camp

Our Beginner Bootcamp is kicking off on Tuesday, January 1st! This boot camp is for people who are just getting into fitness for the first time, or who haven’t worked out for a while and want to get back into it! 

We will kick off on January 1st by easing into it. I  believe in teaching people how to implement a healthy lifestyle that’s realistic to everyday life. This means you won’t cut out everything cold turkey, or need to turn into someone who’s obsessed with fitness. My job is to help you figure out how you can implement simple healthy habits into your busy lifestyle that you can maintain over the long haul! 

From January 1st – January 13th we’ll be focusing on preparing you for success. You will get a Nutrition 101 course, and I will share my best tips for learning how to eat healthy while still enjoying your favorite treats! We will also start working out just 2 – 3 times those first two weeks to help your body ease into it! 

Then on Monday, January 14th, we’ll ramp up and officially kick off a six week challenge! The workouts will be just 20 minutes a day, six days a week! You will be going through our BRAND NEW program created by Shaun T called Transform :20, where the only equipment you’ll need to use is an exercise step. 

To request details and register for Beginner Boot Camp, text BEGINNERBOOTCAMP to 44222

Option #2: Cross Train On Demand Boot Camp 

Our BRAND NEW Cross Train On Demand Boot Camp starts on January 14th! This boot camp is for people who have already been working out, but are up for a new challenge that will help them push to the next level and expedite their results! Some people in this group will have some weight they want to lose, and other people will just want to focus on building lean muscle and toning up! You’ll love the friendly competition this group offers to help you push harder!

In this boot camp you will go through a custom workout calendar created by me to specifically focus on your abs, butt, thighs, and arms! Basically TOTAL BODY transformation! This boot camp is essentially me sharing what workout routine I do on a daily basis. I prefer to mix and match workouts from our library to create a calendar where I’m never bored, and always trying new things! The neat thing about this boot camp is that we will be implementing our brand new workout program called Transform :20! This is a step program created by Shaun T to help you get results in just 20 minutes! We will be coupling this with our other most effective workouts from LIIFT4 and 80 Day Obsession, along with a few others to create a custom experience that will get you in the best shape of your life!

If you are a runner, this boot camp will be a perfect fit for you. We always give an option for runners to add in mileage where it makes sense! You do not, however, NEED to be a runner! We’ll keep you hustling with alternative cardio workouts if running isn’t your jam!

To request details and register for Cross Train On Demand Boot Camp, text CROSSTRAIN to 44222

Option #3: Healthy For The Long Haul Boot Camp for Ages 50+:

Our “Healthy For The Long Haul Boot Camp” kicking off on Tuesday, January 1st! This boot camp is for people who are ages 50+ and who want to implement a healthy lifestyle that works for the stage of life they’re in. We will include low impact options and have modifiers to lead you through moves so you can get results while being mindful to protect your body and stay safe.

We will kick off on January 1st, just in time to help you kick off your New Year’s Resolution! I believe in teaching people how to implement a healthy lifestyle that’s realistic to everyday life. This means you won’t cut out everything cold turkey, or need to turn into someone who’s obsessed with fitness. My job is to help you figure out how you can implement simple healthy habits into your busy lifestyle that you can maintain over the long haul so that you can have energy to enjoy your children and grandchildren!

From January 1st – January 13th we’ll be focusing on preparing you for success. You will get a Nutrition 101 course, and I will share my best tips for learning how to eat healthy while still enjoying your favorite treats! We will also start working out just 2 – 3 times those first two weeks to help your body ease into it!

Then on Monday, January 14th, we’ll ramp up and officially kick off a six week challenge! You will be working out 4 days a week for 30 – 40 minutes and going through one of our new programs called LIIFT4. The workouts will include light weight lifting. Research is showing that one of the most important things you can do as you age is to lift weights and continue to build strong muscles. You will love how simple and effective these workouts are.

To request info and register for Healthy For The Long Haul 50+ Boot Camp, text LONGHAUL to 44222

If you’d rather not text, but would like me to email you information, simply fill out THIS REQUEST FOR INFO FORM and I’ll email you within 24 hours! 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at amber@mommysmetime.com!

I’m SO excited to help you achieve your goals in 2019!



About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

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