
Yesterday was sort of a “blah” day. I woke up in a bit of a funk, feeling tired and dragging my body through the motions of a typical Sunday morning. It’s always a rat race to get all five of us ready and out the door for church on time, and yesterday morning was no different. No matter how much I try to think a step ahead and prepare for outings, I usually still find myself stressing out, running around the house like a mad woman making sure everyone is fed, clothed, happy, and has everything they need in the diaper bag. Jake and I are still trying to figure out our roles and a good routine getting it all done.

After we finally get everyone loaded up in the car, I make one last dash through the house to make sure we didn’t leave anything behind that could result in a major meltdown.

We usually get to church in the nick of time, putting on smiles as we walk through the door, when really inside I’m thinking about how rushed and frantic our morning has been. I may be physically standing in the church building, but it takes me a while to REALLY be there emotionally.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it. The rushing, the stress, the kids who likely had to fuss for a few minutes while they waited for us to get everything ready. But when it comes to visiting God at his house, it always is. After we drop the kids off at the nursery, Jake and I get to have a little date with our Maker. We grab a cup of coffee, find two seats in the crowded sanctuary, and SIT. And as I begin to listen to the beautiful music declaring the awesomeness of God, my mind finally gets there. And instead of making much of my situation, I make much of Him.

I needed to be at church yesterday. I thought about throwing in the towel and staying at home, and there are certainly weeks when that is necessary as well, but yesterday amidst the stress, there was something in my spirit that knew it would be worth it. I need to remember that it’s always worth it to call on the Lord in stressful moments. Whether it’s a Sunday or a Monday, when I’m frantically trying to make it through the day, God calls me to stop and make much of Him. Even if it’s just pausing for 30 seconds to acknowledge His presence, my perspective is completely changed.

Have you found yourself rushing? Or stressed out? Do you welcome the Lord into those moments? How has He shown himself to you lately? 

Heavenly Father, thank you for having grace for me, even when I’m stressed and in a funk. Thank you for meeting me where I’m at, and reminding me that it’s always worth it to bring my cares to you. You are mighty to save!


*This post is part of a 31 Day Challenge to write about Seeing God in Ordinary Moments. Visit my landing page here for links to all the posts.

P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    Thanks, I needed to read this today! We have really struggled to get back into the routine of going to church since the twins are born, but I KNOW it will be so worth it if we can just get our acts together and go.

  2. avatar

    I know how you feel. I get so stressed trying to get everyone out the door on Sundays. We are never late because my husband leads music. We are always super early, which means I get to spend an hour huddled up with my kids in the nursery alone, then two hours again on Sunday evening before church (he has choir practice). It makes Sundays soooo long. But they are worth, and one day getting everyone to church will be easier and I’ll be grateful I took the time to teach my little ones the importance of that fellowship and worship!

    Thanks for linking up at Babies and Beyond. I look forward to reading more of your 31 days series!

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