It’s been a crazy rat race around here lately…the fun never ends, that’s for sure! I’m dropping in for just a few moments while all three, yes three kids are napping at the same time. I really hope I can keep them all on the same afternoon nap schedule…those couple hours each day is my time to recharge! Here are a few pictures from the last week…and a half I guess.
Emersyn and Mckinley are growing like crazy! One day they woke up and didn’t fit in premie clothes anymore…on to newborn for these two!On the days when I need a nap, once in a while I’ll cuddle up on the couch with my little princesses…I just love it.
Here they are hanging out with their friend, Galilee, who was born three weeks after them. Look at all her gorgeous hair!
We went on another family outing this week to Galilee’s older sister, Jerusalem’s 3rd birthday party! Our girls are starting to fill out their car seats a little!
Miss Emersyn rolled over from her tummy to her back this weekend! Crazy girl didn’t quite know what happened!
We opened up Kuiper spa and took a couple snapshots. They both like baths for the most part, they just don’t necessarily like waiting their turn when Mommy or Daddy can’t hold them.
They continue to be good little eaters, and have the cutest potbellies when their tummies are full!When I put them on tummy time, I’m always amazed at how they seem to lay similarly!
My little beauties…
{Emersyn Jaye}{Mckinley Jo}
Our good friends Justie and Chris came over the other night…it was so fun introducing them to our babes.
I caught one of Mckinley Jo’s sweet baby yawns.
Meanwhile, Emersyn was lounging on the couch.
Mckinley telling Emersyn a secret.
A typical afternoon might look something like this…girls on tummy time and Baylen showing them all his toys.
Or when Daddy’s home, you’ll likely find the girls in his arms!
Like everybody else in the Midwest, Baylen is ready for warm weather. He found his fedora and Mommy’s sunglasses and walked around the house for a good portion of the morning.
On a day when it wasn’t snowing last week, Bay and I went on one of our first outside jogs of the season. I didn’t run for the last half of my pregnancy with the twins, so my body is quite out of running shape. It felt great to get out there though!
Baylen had his 18 month doctor appointment this week. Wow is it ever a challenge keeping him occupied in the exam room at this age while we wait for the doctor! Thank goodness for mirrors and the ability to take selfies with the cell phone camera.
At 18 months, Baylen weighs 24lbs, 7oz which puts him in the 60th percentile. He’s 31.5 inches which puts him in the 25th percentile for height. He’s a healthy little man!
Oh you know, it was just another day at the office for this little guy. Actually, he was having a blast on the Fisher Price website. There are so many fun learning games and sing-alongs!
Jake and I managed to sneak out on a date while my mom was here last week. We went to Domacin Wine Bar in Stillwater. It was so great to get out of the house with my handsome love for a couple hours, and we decided they are absolutely necessary.
I think the girls liked the extra cuddle time they got in with Grandma that night too.
My great Aunt Jann and her daughter, Alison stopped by to meet the girls the other night. It was absolutely wonderful to see them and so sweet of them to make the drive!
Well, I think I hear a baby stirring…better get back to my mommy duties!
Hope your week is off to a great start!
P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!
I can really tell the girls are growing since I saw them!! Sounds like things are going great at the Kuiper house- which is awesome! Let me know when you are ready for more of Jimmy’s Pizza. 🙂
Oh my they are just precious! Love how many pictures you included in this post 🙂 We have the same shirts for our little guy! Oh and he has a fedora that he’s been wearing lately. They would be twins!
I loved all of your pictures again and can see how much the twins have grown. They are so adorable and I just love the little hats they wear. Who is so handy with the needles? I have been crocheting preemie and larger baby hats and giving them to a hospital near by. It has been a lot of fun. Baylen is quite the little man. I love his Fedora and sun glasses…so cute! Thanks for putting captions with your pictures. How do you tell the twins apart? I look forward to seeing your Mommy Moments…keep up the good work. I’m sure it is nice when all 3 nap at the same time.
God bless your family, Mary
Hi Mary! Thank you so much for your comment! We actually got the hats from the hospital – someone kind like yourself made them to give to premies! 🙂 Right now we tell the girls apart because their head shapes are a little different, but they are starting to look more and more identical each day! We also have different colored nail polish on their toes!