The weeks are flying by, which also means my girls are growing quicker than ever. I so want to remember these first months with them, and since my sleep deprived mind most likely will prevent me from remembering lots of details, I want to make sure I’m documenting them as much as possible on this blog so I can reminisce months and years from now. Here are a few pictures from our week…
The girls have been smiling more and more! With every smirk or smile I am falling deeper in love…it definitely makes all the long days and nights worth it!
Another Emmy smile!
Along with smiling, they are becoming more content to just lay on the floor without having to be held all the time, which definitely makes it a lot easier to get dinner on the table!When they’re laying there, Baylen likes to show up and entertain. One day he was jabbering about his cars.
Other days, he just sneaks up on them and tries to steal their pacifiers. He’s about to do the deed in this picture.
Since he isn’t talking much yet, it’s difficult to get him to understand that he can’t do certain things that the girls can do. I mean, if the girls can sit on the table, why can’t he?! He’s started climbing on everything within the last few weeks, so it’s even more of a challenge!
Another challenge this week is that Baylen was NOT sleeping through the night. He had a cold and sore throat and was up at least a couple times a night, and would not go back to sleep. I even brought him to the doctor because I thought it may be an ear infection, but alas it was just a virus. He’s feeling much better now, and the past few nights have been good ones again. We had to let him cry it out for a night after we knew he was feeling better to break the cycle, but thankfully he is back to blissful sleep. I truly could not have handled many more nights with three kids getting up…I thought I was going to go crazy! Anyway, there were a few tired and crabby days in there when Baylen was just so exhausted that he’d fall asleep on the couch while he was watching Cars.
When Baylen’s feeling himself, he continues to be such a ham! He loves to sit outside and watch the cars and trucks go by. He gets such a kick out of it.
He loves going on blanket rides around the house…nonstop giggles! And no, he’s NOT supposed to have his paci…but things like that slide once in a while to keep mommy from pulling her hair out.
My parents came up for the weekend, and I was so glad to have their help. I sent my mom a text on Thursday asking if they could come up a day early because we were so exhausted from the sleepless nights with Baylen and the girls. They are so wonderful to us…they dropped everything, hopped in their car and four hours later were here to help. I truly do not know what I’d do without their support. And Baylen just has a ball with them! When he got up from his nap on Thursday he just wanted to cuddle with Grandma.
We even snuck out on a date on Saturday…we were actually able to be out most of the afternoon and evening which was a huge blessing and much needed break.
When they had to leave today he was not happy about it. They lightened the mood by giving him a Baylen sandwich!
For the first year of Baylen’s life we lived much further away from my parents and they weren’t able to spend as much time with him. Now that he gets to see them a lot more, it has been so fun to see how comfortable he is with them. We are blessed to live within a drivable distance!
That does it for this week’s recap…now I’m off to enjoy some cuddle time with Jake on the couch!
I hope you had a great week and are enjoying the holiday weekend!
P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!
Wonderful family! In the picture with brown headband (McKinley?) I could ‘see’ Jake in her sideways glance.
You have a beautiful family, Amber! A little trick that I used for uninterrupted sleep (mine and my husband’s) was to leave in the crib at night a bottle/sippy cup with about 1-2 inches of water in it. The dry heat /mouth breathing would wake my babies up and the water was enough to quiet them. It worked wonders for all of us!
What a great idea Laurel! Thanks for sharing! I’m going to start doing that tonight!
I have certainly enjoyed your website. You are quite a witness and have a wonderful positive attitude. Wonderful role model for many young moms! Many can find added strength from your many postings of great ideas and what is so important in your life. Keep up the good work.
(Missy’s Hofmeyer mom)
Hi Darlene! Thank you so much for your encouragement! I have learned SO much from your wonderful daughter…if I can encourage even one mom the way she’s encouraged me this whole blog will have been worth it. I’m so thankful for her! 🙂
Beautiful family! My sister has twins and I remember this age. So much fun! They look like they really love each other!
Glad you guys got to have some couples time! SO important! and how sweet of your parents to help out! We live far away {well, a whole country away!} from my parents and sometimes I wish I could just call them up…and I only have ONE! I can imagine three! 🙂
I think I can tell the girls apart now! Their faces are different shapes. They are so beautiful. I love the picture of Baylen with them on the table. Great job, Amber – you are an amazing mama!
Thank you Ash! Yay! Glad you can tell them apart! 🙂
Love the girls’ smile! So sweet!