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Ok but seriously. WHAT is it about toilet paper that makes toddlers all giddy? Maybe it’s the fact that they can shred it into a million pieces? Or feed it to the dog? Or clog the toilet when they decide it’d be fun to throw a whole roll in?

Whatever it is, my kids LOVE it.

Around here, I pick my battles. And the toilet paper battle? It just wasn’t at the top of my list…until today.

Most mornings after breakfast and before morning nap time we head upstairs to get dressed and play a bit. At some point when I’m helping Baylen, the twins head to the bathroom and open the cupboard where I keep the extra toilet paper. Most of the time it’s pretty innocent and controlled. They maybe take 2 or 3 rolls out, tear pieces up and fill the inside of the tubes with those pieces. It keeps them occupied for 10 – 15 minutes, I spend about 30 seconds cleaning it up, and we move on.

Today started much the same. The girls were doing their thing with the TP. It wasn’t out of hand at all. In fact, I was having so much fun watching them that I decided to post a picture to Instagram, capturing one of those cute real life mom moments for all my Insta friends to see. Ha! A few minutes later I was humbled.

Baby brother woke up from his nap, so I went to get him out of his crib and changed his diaper, which is the next room over from the bathroom. I returned to find that big brother had decided to join the girls in the fun! They were taking out every last roll, unwrapping it, and building towers. Not long after that they also emptied the diapers out of the cupboard and turned it into their secret fort.


At that point, there was no turning back. I plopped down on the floor and nursed baby brother while I watched them have a ball of a time. They giggled and giggled with each other amidst the mess. And then tears came when someone’s finger got jammed, who then ran to me to be held. So there I am still feeding brother while holding sister. What a sight! I just may end up writing a post about all the ways one can multi-task while nursing a baby!

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And bless their little hearts, after singing the clean up song about 50 times, they’d helped me clean the whole mess up. I just love how they decided to organize it.

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Anyway, real life around here this morning was embracingĀ the mess, and realizing that maybe I get it after all. WHAT is it about toilet paper? Sometimes in life it’s about simply creating joyful moments out of the stuff that’s usually only used for crap.

I’ll see you back tomorrow for Day 3 of Real Life Mom Moments!



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Letā€™s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! Weā€™d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Letā€™s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. […] Oct 2: WHAT Is It About Toilet Paper?Ā  […]

  2. avatar

    I can’t tell you how MUCH I love this post…seriously…toilet paper. I don’t know. They just love it. Love the hashtag. Love it all.

  3. avatar

    That is a lot of toilet paper. I definitely try to pick my battles each day. My latest battle is that my son doesn’t want to get dressed in the morning. He was this close to wearing pjs to daycare today!

  4. avatar

    Haha love it! There really is something fun about the toilet paper!

  5. avatar

    It’s amazing how quickly things can escalate isn’t it? I love their organization system. And they did you a huge favor unwrapping all those rolls. šŸ™‚

  6. avatar

    ha! that is epic. Loved that they eventually helped you clean it up!

  7. avatar

    they still kept it so nice and neat! crue has a HUGE obsession with the toilet paper too. mainly when i am peeing and he thinks he needs to stuff it all in between my legs down the toilet. ha ha. toddlers!

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