It’s November in Minnesota. That means the days are getting shorter, colder, and I haven’t had a tan in months. It’s this time of year that I find myself feeling a little extra frumpy and need serious motivation to take care of myself.

When Jenni Kroese, independent consultant for Rodan + Fields, offered to send me a mini facial and sunless tan, I was SO excited! I knew it would come in handy at the exact perfect time.

So yesterday, during the kids’ nap time I snuck away to my bathroom and had a little “me time.”

Rodan + Fields have many great products, but the ones I tried are pictured below. The first one is the Micro-Dermabrasion Paste. I used that to exfoliate. I loved the smell and the texture. My face felt fresh and clean and got rid of all the dead skin cells. The capsules on the right is lip serum! I put it on before I went to bed and woke up with super soft lips.



I’ll admit I was a little nervous using the sunless tanner, since you never know how the color is going to turn out. I did one application on my face and neck, just enough to give me a little color, and was happy with how it turned out! I don’t think I’d recommend more than one coat on the face, or it might look a little fake, but just a little seemed to do the trick.

Here’s my before and after:


If you’re in need of a little boost of color yourself, you can feel free to visit Jenni’s website to order some of your own tanner!

Jenni’s product site:

Jenni’s business site:


Rodan + Fields also just launched a new product that looks pretty interesting for anyone looking to reduce wrinkles.


(From their website)

The new product is Redefine Acute Care — now you’ll say: “what exactly is Acute Care”? With Acute Care, you put these small clear patches on the desired area around your eyes, mouth, between your eyes, upper lip, forehead. With this liquid cone technology the (2) ingredients (Hyaluronic acid and peptides) melt deep into your wrinkle and fill it in, resulting in clinically-proven improvement after just one use.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in our bodies. It is also what is delivered through a lengthy needle in what we call “fillers” in derm offices. Fillers can range from $500-1000 a treatment. Thank you to Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields for creating Acute Care as the NEEDLE FREE ALTERNATIVE! Think of hyaluronic acid + peptides delivered in your sleep. Rodan + Fields is the only company with this technology!

A big thanks to Jenni for giving this momma just the pick-me-up I needed! Winter blues stay away!




About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

1 Comment

  1. avatar

    Oh I could definitely use that wrinkle care! I’ve been noticing some major ones on my forehead. From all the squinting i do. Love the sunglass tan look! Looks so natural and not orange at all!

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