This is for all of us moms in the trenches who have a deeper appreciation for our own moms now that we’re raising children. What a gift it is to be daughters of strong and compassionate women who showed us the way.
Dear Mom,
Now that I’m grown and have my own kids, I find myself thinking about all the little things you did for me, and am completely humbled and thankful that God gave me a mom like you. The older I get, the more I realize all those little things you did along the way really did add up to become the big things.
Here’s a list of the things I’ve experienced in mom life lately that reminded me of all those little things you did for me:
Last night one of my boys was up in the night with growing pains. I remember when I used to get them when I was little, and how you’d jump out of bed to make me feel better. Thank you.
Yesterday, I was doing one of the girls’ hair, and I had to redo her ponytail at least five times while she freaked out that it “didn’t look good.” I remember all the times I reacted the same way when you’d do mine. Thank you for putting up with me!
I made dinner the other night, and all the kids sat down at the table and told me they didn’t like it. I remember saying things like that sometimes to you too. Payback!!!! I’m so sorry!
I took the kids to Target the other day and one of them yelled, “You don’t let me buy ANYTHING!!!” I had a flashback to when I’d ask for random things at the store and you’d say no. I get it now. Thanks for not letting me get everything I wanted.
I helped one of my boys with a school project a few weeks ago, and stayed up way too late working on the details. You did this for me more times than I can remember. Thank you.
I’ve been driving the kids everywhere, and I feel like an Uber driver. You drove us constantly, and now it’s clear why I have so many memories in that old minivan. Thank you.
I had sick kids this week, and it tried my patience. Sanitizing the house and washing the EXTRA piles of laundry on top of what already felt endless put me over the edge. Thank you for the times you took care of me when I was under the weather, and thank you even more for all that stinkin’ laundry you did. Does it EVER end?!
Work has been so busy, and there are many days when I don’t know how I’m going to fit everything in. Then I remember how it was a lot for you to juggle when you were raising us too, but you always found a way to make us feel like the most important priority.
The other night one of the boys had a terrible nightmare, and struggled to get back to sleep. I remember you praying for me every night that I wouldn’t have bad dreams, and it made all the difference.
My kids want me to lay by them almost every night when they go to bed. I remember you ALWAYS snuggling with me too, and how much it comforted me. As I put my arms around my own kids, I can still feel yours around me.
In the moments when I don’t feel like being a great mom, I think of all the times when you probably didn’t feel like it either, but you made the choice to be great anyway. You didn’t have to be perfect, but you always made sure to love me unconditionally regardless of the circumstance.
We still had disagreements and didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, but you’ve taught me that’s the whole point of family. To love each other so much that we always feel the freedom to be completely ourselves without the fear of judgment or rejection.
It truly is the little things that matter most in life, especially in mom life.
Thank you for inspiring me to be the best I can be for my kids, and that God’s grace is new every morning.
*For more honest encouragement for mom life, follow Mommy’s Me Time on Facebook and @ambermariekuiper on Instagram!