UPDATE: Winner of the GIVEAWAY is Erin Huie!

Two years ago, I took a chance on myself.

At the time, I had four kids (four and under). My youngest was six month old, and I was completely exhausted.

It was February. I had just turned 29 and Jake and I were on the way home from a trip to Hawaii. I was feeling defeated, because every photo I saw of myself in a swimsuit made me wonder if I’d ever feel comfortable in my own skin again. To the outside world, anyone who saw me probably would have thought I looked just fine. But it didn’t matter. I felt lousy, I had no energy, and I was desperate for something, ANYTHING to help me out of the rut I was in.

During one of our layovers, I was scrolling through Facebook when I noticed that a friend of mine was talking about the 21 Day Fix, an exercise program she was using that had given her amazing results. My mind told me it was probably some kind of scam, but my heart told me I needed to try it.

I ordered it on a whim (against my husband’s wishes).

It arrived to my house, and I started to push play. Day by day I started to get stronger. I started to see inches melt away and I started to feel like myself again for the first time since being a mom.

The next month, I decided to try Shakeology, because although I was getting results from the workouts, my nutrition wasn’t great. I incorporated Shakeology and the portion control containers, and it was SO SIMPLE to do as a busy mom.

I had more energy than ever before, I didn’t want to crawl in bed when my kids napped anymore, and mentally I was in a much healthier spot.

In that moment, I decided I needed to share this amazing program and community with others, and ever since I’ve been running monthly “boot camps” where I encourage women daily as they work toward their goals. As these women get amazing results, they too want to share it and several of them decide to join my team as coaches! In two years, my tribe has grown and we are now ranked number 20 in the entire Beachbody company out of 450,000+ teams!

I never in a million years thought that I’d be a virtual health and fitness coach. I toyed around with the idea for a while to be a personal trainer because health and fitness has always been a passion of mine, but this is honestly a way better fit for me! I get to work from home and choose my own hours, while mentoring and coaching other women! I don’t have to go into a gym every day, but instead I can work out from anywhere and encourage my customers to do the same!

What I love about Team Beachbody the most, is that it’s all about how to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s not just about getting six pack abs (although that often happens), it’s about creating a balanced lifestyle that isn’t obsessive. It’s about being healthy not so that we can look a certain way, but so that we can FEEL a certain way, and have more to give to the people we love! We think about ourselves, so we can forget about ourselves! We want to be around for the long haul for our kiddos, and that means taking care of our physical bodies!

Beachbody Coaching is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me (besides being a wife and mommy!) I get to live out my passion every day, and I get to help ordinary women like myself discover that they have skills and talents that can be used to provide for their families! Dream jobs really do exist, friends! You’ve just gotta be willing to look outside the box! God’s plans are always bigger than our own!

To celebrate my TWO year anniversary as a Team Beachbody Coach, I am giving away a FREE YEAR of access into my virtual boot camps! The next one starts on March 6th! If you win, I will send you the All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack. This is a $199 value and includes a month of Shakeology, Portion Fix (our healthy eating plan complete with portion control containers), AND a year subscription to Beachbody On Demand which will include access to ALL the Beachbody programs ever released PLUS any new ones that will come out this year!

Please enter using Rafflecopter below! I will pick a winner on Monday, February 27th! You must live in either the United States or Canada to enter, and may not be a Team Beachbody Coach.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you are interested in joining my March 6th Boot Camp, please fill out this form and I’ll send you some more information! Should you win the giveaway and have already registered, you will be refunded (cost is $199)!

Request for information: MISSION POSSIBLE: Feel Comfortable In Your Own Swimsuit

If you are interested in joining my team as a coach, please fill out this short application and I will email you after I receive it!

If you have any questions about my boot camps or joining my team as a coach, please feel free to shoot me an email at amber@mommysmetime.com!



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at amber@mommysmetime.com!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

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