At the end of August our fourth baby will be two years old. TWO! How in the world did that happen?! Honestly, there are days and nights when I just long to go back to the days when I could hold each of my babies in the rocking chair again.


BUT, I have to tell you, there’s something pretty special about the stage we’re in right now. My oldest is four, the girls are three, and my youngest is almost two. They’re busy, running a million miles a minute no matter what they’re doing, the best of friends, and worst of enemies. 😉

The last few summers have been tough, because I always had at least one or two who were in that awkward crawling/almost walking stage which made it difficult to enjoy parks, pools, splash pads, ect. We’d usually end up leaving because I just got too frustrated trying to keep everybody happy and not eating rocks or wood chips.

But this summer, life is pretty awesome. All the kids are walking, talking, and they LOVE to go on adventures. While their favorite spot to go is still Target (can you blame them?) we’ve been making a point to take them somewhere fun each weekend that’s focused on something they’d enjoy.

A few weeks back we took them to Valley Fair. It’s funny, because for so long leaving the house with all of them made me break out in a cold sweat, and I find that it’s still my default reaction when I think about going somewhere. But usually I’m pleasantly surprised by how much easier it’s gotten.

They were so excited to go on rides at Valley Fair. They were limited by their height on a lot of them, but it only took a few for them to feel like they got the full experience.


We ended up spending the majority of the afternoon at the water park and it was perfect.




When it comes to our adventures, I’ve learned that the most important thing is to just be prepared with a few snacks and some juice boxes, because you never know when hunger’s gonna strike, and it’s best if you have something on hand that you KNOW they’ll like. It’s nice now, because I also don’t have to worry about bringing along baby food. Everybody can eat and drink the SAME thing!!!

I’ve mentioned our love for FLYJOY bars before, and they continue to be a big hit. When they arrive at our house I literally have to hide them and take them directly to the pantry or the kids will eat them ALL immediately. 🙂


One thing I love about FLYJOY bars is that they travel extremely well, and specifically in the summertime, I like that I don’t have to worry about them melting in the heat. I’m all about products that make life simple, and along with FLYJOY I’ve really enjoyed this Kammok bag and this Sup insulated water bottle as well! The bag is super lightweight, and cleans easily!

The other day I had one of my friends reach out to me who orders FLYJOY regularly asking for a coupon code, and the very next day I received an email from FLYJOY telling me they want to give away a couple boxes to some lucky MMT readers!

If you aren’t familiar with FLYJOY bars, they are superfood energy bars made with Quinoa, oats, flax, and chia. They’re made with all natural ingredients AND my kids love them. A win-win for sure.

Enter for a chance to win a box of FLYJOY bars below! U.S. mailing addresses are eligible only, and I’ll pick a winner on Friday, July 8th!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

This post is sponsored by FLYJOY but all opinions are my own.”

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Jodi says:

    So glad that you had a great time at ValleyFair with your family! I miss those days a lot and I hope my grandkids want to go on “adventures” with me!! ?
    Thank you for sharing, I love hearing about you and your family!
    I am excited to try a FLYJOY bars! What is your favorite flavor?!

  2. avatar
    Megan Argo says:

    Oh we would love this! My youngest just turned 1 and it’s already easier to go places than last summer! And he loves to eat so we would love to win a nice healthy snack!

  3. avatar
    Angela says:

    I would love to win and be able to try these with my 4 kids!

  4. avatar
    Rebekah says:

    Reed and I love FLYJOY bars!! Reminds me that we are almost out and I need to place an order. 🙂

  5. avatar
    Niyati says:

    Hi.. I am a mom of two boys.. I stumbled upon ur blog by chance n really enjoyed reading it… my biggest question is when n how do u take out the time to blog n exercise.?

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