IMG_0113I woke up with the best intentions to get my kids dressed in adorable Easter outfits so we could walk into church looking our absolute best for Jesus. And let’s be honest, so I could post a cute Instagram picture. Then everybody woke up and one by one, each made their own desires and wishes known.

A peaceful and happy morning wasn’t in the cards. There were fights, there was hitting, there was food thrown on the floor. There was bickering between my husband and me. It was an uphill battle to get everyone ready and out the door on time. We strapped all the kids in the car, and I stepped back inside to grab the diaper bag. The kitchen was a DISASTER. Eggs on the floor, crayons on the table, dishes in the sink. I walked to the car, and looked at my husband, who was just as frazzled as I was.
Honestly, it made me want to stay home. I didn’t want to walk into church with a smile on my face, pretending like we had it all together. If only they knew what our morning was like. If only they knew that I felt disgusting because I didn’t get a chance to wash my hair. If only they knew that I was really a MESS.
We didn’t stay home. We drove into the church the parking lot, and walked in with our arms full of kids. We dropped them off at kids’ church, got LARGE coffees, and found two seats.
Then God reminded me that the very building I was in was made for people like me, who aren’t perfect. I might have seen a lot of perfect looking people this morning, but that’s not what it’s about.
What IS Easter Sunday all about? It’s about millions of people around the world getting out of their houses, leaving behind their messy kitchens and lives, to CELEBRATE that life isn’t about being perfect on our own, but it’s about recognizing our need for a savior.
I can’t do this thing called life on my own. Neither can the next person. We weren’t made to.
God’s son DIED for people who like me, who DON’T have it all together.
DIED. Wow. For me. Someone who does NOT deserve it.
He died so that all the crap I do on a daily basis can be forgiven. So that my SIN doesn’t mean the death of me. To take it a step further, He actually wants me to LIVE FOREVER with Him!
Forever. In Glory. With HIM.
And so, it turns out that Easter isn’t about perfect people going to church all buttoned up. Easter is about meeting the LIVING God, just as you are.
This Easter I’m thankful that God meets me in my mess, day after day, because this stage of life seems to be full of that.
Maybe one of these years I’ll get that perfect family picture, but every time in between when I don’t, it’ll remind me of something so much greater.
Praise be to God our Father, and our LORD Jesus Christ. HE is RISEN. Because of Him, I live.

P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    I. LOVE. THIS. POST. 🙂

  2. avatar
    Brynn says:

    I needed this today! I too, did not get a picture of my kids today and I’ve been whining to my husband all night about it as I’m just now going through my news feed filled with adorable little kids all dressed up! Thanks for this post.

  3. avatar
    Melissa says:

    Thank you for posting this. These were exactly the words I needed to hear today. We didn’t have a picture-perfect Easter. I stayed up with my sick toddler until almost 6 am, then he was super cranky at my parent’s church, and me and my husband got into a big fight this afternoon. Needless to say, there were no cute “look at our perfect family” photos today. But thank you for reminding us why we meet with fellow believers and go to God’s house on this special day.

  4. avatar

    Thanks for sharing Amber! We had exactly the same kind of morning. Rest assured you are not alone.

  5. avatar

    So true! We attempted a family picture but our only child wanted nothing to do with it…of course it made me sad but I told myself today is not about picture perfect families…just like this post! When I saw you post this…it’s like you read my mind. It’s amazing how many mother’s can relate to the same thing!

  6. avatar
    Rachel says:

    I couldn’t have said it any better. At the end of our crazy long resurrection Sunday I opened Facebook for the first time and saw all of my friends and family posted adorable family pictures and I had none. I didn’t even have my phone with me to take pictures with, it stayed on my nightstand street we left for church. We had no spats or fights if the morning but because we serve in different ministries at church we had to be our the door at 750am (with 4 children ages 9-1). We served in two services and then immediately went to visit family after church. The babies didn’t nap until after 4, their clothes a mess, no way pictures were being taken at that point. But I feel accomplished. We focused solely on the reason for celebrating. Jesus, his death and resurrection, and the greatest example of love the world has ever seen. (We didn’t do the eggs or the bunny.) And you know what blessed my heart? At the end of the day my children went to bed and as they lay there they sang, “Nothing but the Blood”. My heart is flooded with joy! As it stands, I’m very ‘ok’ with not getting the perfect “Easter” picture. There is always next week for a photo op.

  7. avatar

    “So that my sin doesn’t mean the death of me” – amen. Beautiful message, friend. Ps- My mantra yesterday? Easter is not a beauty pageant. 🙂

  8. avatar
    Kimbely says:

    Wow! This is a powerful post. I needed to hear this, thank you.

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