
I’m going to be completely transparent with you. The past couple weeks have been rough. And you know what? I can’t even pinpoint exactly why. It just seems like life is taking TONS of extra effort lately.

Sure, there are a few obvious things that have contributed.

1. The kids have been sick. First it was colds. Then ear infections. And most recently? Explosive diarrhea. Which means I’ve turned into a poop examiner. Which means instead of taking adorable pictures of my kids, I’m taking pictures of their feces and texting them to my mom, who’s a nurse, and knows exactly what the different colors mean.

2. We’ve been stuck inside. Sick kids leads to clingy kids who aren’t jazzed about doing much of anything except being held. And watching Disney Junior.

3. I’ve been working as a short order cook. The only thing my kids want to eat when they’re sick are crackers, oatmeal, mac ‘n cheese, and ice cream. But never at the same time. And because I’m desperate for them to eat anything I find myself taking them to the pantry one by one and letting them place their order.

4. I haven’t had time to myself. I love my kids dearly, but I’m not someone who can be with my them 24/7. I need a little time apart from them to recharge. To do what I want to do without interruption. But when kids are sick, all hands are on deck. I mean, lately I’ve been in such demand that I’ve even been sitting on the toilet with one of them piled on my lap.

5. I’ve spent little time with my husband. With kids up at all hours and one particular little boy crawling into our bed halfway through the night, alone time with my hubby has been limited. And instead of being sweet to him when we finally do have time together, my stressed out, sleep deprived self kind of turns into a brat.

If you were a little bird looking in at my life, those five things are probably what you’d see. Yet we’ve only scratched the surface as to why I’ve been struggling.

Here’s the thing. As parents, we feel a LOT of pressure to do it right. To protect our kids from sickness. To show them how to act politely. To teach them their A B C’s, and their colors, and how to count. To fill their bodies with healthy food. To foster good sleep habits. To model a healthy marriage. And of course, to do it all with a smile on our face.

Then weeks like this come when all hell breaks out. And NOTHING goes as I’d like it to. I wasn’t able to keep the sickness away. They had way too much screen time. We didn’t spend much time working on our A B C’s. The only thing they ate were carbs, carbs, and more carbs. They weren’t sleeping well. They heard mommy and daddy bicker. And they experienced a stressed out version of me instead of their happy momma.

And I felt defeated. I felt like I was surely messing them up for life. That the only thing they would know going into preschool was the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song. And how to pitch a fit.

But then I remembered something. LIFE happens. Kids get sick. Moms and Dads get stressed. Parents fight. I’m not perfect, and it’s okay to admit that. It’s okay to admit that I have struggles, and that I need encouragement to keep going. It’s okay to admit that I’m a work in progress.

There’s FREEDOM in admitting that I’m not a perfect mom. I have nothing to hide. I have nothing to show off. I don’t need to be a slave to the pressure of perfection, or care about what other people think, or carry mom guilt. I can simply be me, a mom who will keep trying my best, because of my deep love for my family. And my best will always be enough.

Friend, your best is enough too. You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to love your kids like only you can.



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at amber@mommysmetime.com!

(photo credit: Poppy Designs)

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Cindy says:

    Thanks for posting. Well said and well written. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from and how when just one person sick throws the entire schedule for a loop… Not to mention lots of sleep deprivation! I have been dealing with it all winter as we started a new daycare and literally every week went to the dr for 5 months. Ear infections, colds, stomach virus, influenza, hives. We have had it all here!!! Spring is on its way and we can get outside and air the house out. Sunshine will do everyone good, hang in there mama you’re doing great!!

    Thanks again for sharing!!

  2. avatar

    I’m usually a lurker but decided to comment today 🙂 It’s so nice to read posts like these since blogs can so often portray only the “perfect” parts of life. I assure you though, that even with everything you list here, you’re still a perfect parent- you’re everything your little ones need. Everyone has their breaking points where patience isn’t so easy but I know that those days are few and far between… and that your sweet hubby understands when you snap at him, that he shouldn’t take it personally. Having 4 under 4 is no small feat and I’m amazed at what you do! Hope everyone is on the mend and that you get a few weeks of respite before the next bout of craziness hits.

  3. avatar

    You’re spot on about the idea of “doing your best”, which has to be relative to our lives at the time. It’s easy to do our best when the sun is shining and it’s 70 degrees outside and no one’s asked for the kleenex box in weeks. It’s entirely something else to keep doing our best when life is full of clouds and cold and crying and multi-colored feces. Carry on, Mama. HIS mercies are new every morning, and no matter what today holds, we ALL need them!

  4. avatar

    Thank you for opening your heart. I feel like I could have written this post. I always find comfort in the truth that God’s mercies are new every morning and kids and husbands are very forgiving too. Hugs to you, momma, and may this week bring you more calm and peace.

  5. avatar
    Megan Haworth says:

    Amber thank you for being one of the few brave enough to be honest! I blog as well, and mostly to share my human experience which is flawed, stressful at times, happy most of the time but most of all unperfect. I really believe if we were all more honest with one another, we wouldn’t feel guilty or shamed about the imperfections in our lives! Thank you for sharing.

  6. avatar
    Danielle says:

    Thank you for writing this!! This exact situation is happening in my house right now. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only mother experiencing these rough seasons. You and your blog are such a blessing to me! I really appreciate your open and honest insights. Your blog is like mommy therapy for me!

  7. avatar

    I needed this today. Thank you. Things haven’t been super easy as of late, and I can relate a lot to this. I only have one – but one more on the way. Lately I’ve been finding myself freaking out trying to figure out how I’m going to do it when I’m a mama of two. The answer is there. Do your best. One day at a time.

  8. avatar
    Kara says:

    This really hits home with me. I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist and I’m learning that there’s just no such thing as perfect when you’re a mama (or indeed, a person in general)! I recently returned to work part time and my little girl has started childcare, so of course she’s been sick for weeks. Thankfully we’re down to just a cough for the moment, but the sleepless nights, added pressure of juggling work and home life and getting sick myself has really pushed me to the limit. I’ve lost my temper, I’ve bickered with my husband and in turn I’ve felt bucket loads of mama guilt! I am trying though, every day, to be a strong, calm and confident person, so that I can be the best version of myself for my family, so thank you for showing me that I’m not the only one!

  9. avatar

    Fist bump, Mama. Right there with you. Way to be and way to hang in there! Hope next week goes better. 🙂

  10. avatar

    This was super-encouraging to me today. Thank you!

  11. avatar

    I’m trying to post for the Vaseline entry, but it will not let me add a comment. Either it’s just not working for me, or you’re going to have 20 post once I log out. SORRY. Doubt it counts, but here is my comment for the Vaseline entry….
    I’m sorta a #mommysmetime junkie, I follow you on all THREE; Instagram, Facebook & the blog. Your words have truly been “balm” to my soul. Thanks for your ministry to me and to so many others.

  12. avatar

    Oh my gosh.. Amber.. All I can say is, THANK YOU. Thank God you are so real, because I needed this post more than you could ever ever realize!!! Xoxo

  13. avatar

    It is said that five out of six children will have at least one ear infection by their third birthday.

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