
On average, I go shopping with my kids about 3 – 4 times a week. There are a couple reasons for this.

First of all, TARGET. Need I say more?

Second, my kids take up so much of the cart that I wouldn’t have room to get everything I need for the week in one trip anyway.

I know exactly what many of you are thinking at this very moment. Why don’t you just go by yourself and leave the kids at home? Good question. And when I’m 30 steps from the checkout lane and everybody is screaming I find myself asking the same one.

However, time out of the house by myself is rare. And when I finally get it? I would much rather spend it writing to YOU from my cozy chair in front of the fireplace at Caribou Coffee instead of checking what brand of deli meat is on sale.

So, this morning was trip number two of the week. We pulled into the parking lot, and per usual, my heart started to pitter patter a little as I scouted the cart corrals in hopes of finding my faithful shopping companion, Shop Along II. (Yes, I’m on a first name basis with the amazing contraption that carries my groceries AND all my kids.)

Please, there’s gotta be one today. Today I don’t have the energy to take them inside with the regular cart and make the transfer to the bigger cart in the store. Today, I’ve been up since the crack of dawn telling my kids that we can’t have cookies for breakfast and that we don’t shove food down the furnace vents. Today, I just need one thing to feel easy.

Then, I saw it. The cart corral of all cart corrals. It just so happened that today there wasn’t just one, but SEVERAL of these bad boys waiting to make my day.


In that moment, I felt so encouraged. Not only because I had a cart, but because of the stockpile of carts left behind. It meant that there were moms before me who had already finished their Target runs that day.

They had already taken the kids out of the car one by one.

They had already scrambled to find their keys to lock up before power walking inside.

They had already raced through the store, some with their lists, and others who were feeling defeated  for not having the time to write a list.

They had already made it to the back of the store when they remembered that they forgot to grab peanut butter in Aisle 1.

They had already stopped the cart every 5 minutes to give the baby a pacifier.

They had already visited the toy section and left with kids who were disappointed that they couldn’t get another Matchbox Car or My Little Pony.

They had already placed a box of fruit snacks on the belt only to find it soggy from the toddler that tried to gnaw through it.

They had already paid with kids screaming to realize that they had gone over their grocery budget again.

They had already wished the cashier would bag their groceries just a little quicker so they could bolt for the exit.

They had already experienced a sigh of relief when they made it back to their cars.

They, these other mothers, had gone before me.

Here’s the thing. Whether it’s grocery shopping, the terrible twos, potty training, kindergarten, or anything else on this journey of motherhood, there are other moms who have GONE BEFORE US. We are not alone.

So momma, the next time you pull into the parking lot at your grocery store or enter a stage that you are totally unsure about, remember that you aren’t the first one to do it. There are moms around the country and world who are doing the same things you are at that very moment. And there are moms who have already conquered it.

Most days, just knowing I’m not alone is enough. Knowing that there are other moms who do what I do keeps me sane.

And so, I hope I see you out and about. And when I see you with a cracker box already opened and crumbs all over your toddler’s face? I’ll know we’re on the same page. I’ll know that we’re both doing our best, and that our best is always enough.



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at amber@mommysmetime.com!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    Nicole says:

    What encouragement! Love it, Amber!

  2. avatar

    What about 1 target run per week and do the rest on coborn’s delivers?! I save money because i only buy what i need and whats on sale and can do it while snuggling my littles. Regardless, go you!

  3. avatar
    Anna says:

    Yeah, we are at that point where I will have to take the boys into the store today. Feeling better about it after reading this!

  4. avatar
    Rebecca Turner says:

    Wow I wish those trolleys existed in the UK! They’re great! Love the post. Sometimes when I’m out and a Situation occurs I feel like I’m being judged by other mums, but actually I tell myself that they have had that situation themselves and they are simply watching to see how someone else handles it and it therefore makes me deal with it calmly and rationally. I imagine what I would like to see if I was the bystander and it therefore helps me be the mum I want to be 🙂

  5. avatar
    Mallory Knight says:

    Thank you for your encouraging words. I wonder, who encourages you on those rough days?

  6. avatar
    Emily says:

    Just experienced many of those things with my kiddos at Wal Mart today… and then left the store feeling like everyone must be thinking we have lots of issues! (Which we do :-)) Thanks for reminding us that we’re not the only ones going through these challenging moments.

  7. avatar
    Halsy says:

    Oh how I miss Caribou Coffee! They closed all the ones about a year and a half ago where I live. It was such a sad day! I really enjoy your encouraging posts!

  8. avatar
    Jane says:

    Boo Hoo…try doing that after you work an 8 hour day, putting up with crancky customers, deadlines and a demanding boss. Quite complaining-get orginized, control you kids and get off the pitty pot. Life is what you make it and you are failing. Most of all if you can’t handle being a stay at home Mom – GET A JOB!!!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      Hi Jane. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. This is no pity party. It’s simply me sharing real life. I absolutely LOVE being a stay at home mom, but like any job, some days are still hard, and there are parts that aren’t easy. I’m blessed to stay at home and I’m truly sorry that you took this as complaining. I think as working moms and stay at home moms there are aspects of each others’ jobs that we will truly never understand, but we need to affirm each other in our joys and struggles. Have a great weekend!

  9. avatar

    Oh my gosh. I so needed this today. I was put on the spot by my daughter’s doctor yesterday at her 2 year checkup to be done with bottles (he said it directly to her, twice!, so I felt like if I didn’t follow through, it would be sending confusing messages to her, which might make things harder later…) so last night was our first night without a middle-of-the-night bottle, and it was ugly. I’ve been feeling so defeated and exhausted this morning. Thank you for this post.

  10. avatar
    Krista says:

    My 19 month used to do pretty well riding in the cart at stores, but now refuses to. He wants to run freely and will let the entire store knows when he doesn’t get his way! It’s exhausting and slightly embarrassing but it’s so hard not to laugh sometimes during the tantrums. I will miss it I’m sure when he is is older. 🙂

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