
The other night I had the rare opportunity to go to Target by myself. When I got in the car, I unplugged the DVD player that had been playing “Meet The Letters” for the last month straight. Peace. And. Quiet. A 10 minute car ride to think about whatever I wanted.

Unlike most trips, when I entered the parking lot I didn’t have to go on a hunt for an empty parking space near a cart corral. Nope, I could park ANYWHERE.

As I climbed out of my car and felt the freezing cold air, I remember thinking it was so nice that I could walk fast, and that I didn’t have to trudge through the snow pushing the weight of my small children.

Oh to be at Target ALONE.

As I walked through the aisles, I kept crossing paths with parents and their college aged kids home for the holidays.

In the baking aisle I saw a mom and her daughter picking out ingredients and talking about what goodies they were going to make together.

By the frozen foods, I overheard a conversation between a mom and her son, asking him what snacks he wanted her to have on hand while he was home.

As I was traveling across the store, I spotted a dad and his daughter in home decor, talking about what gift to get mom. How sweet.

As I was waiting in the check out line, out of the corner of my eye I overheard yet ANOTHER conversation similar to what I’d been hearing all evening.

The son was talking about something, but the subject didn’t matter. I could tell there wasn’t much that would have stolen his dad’s smile. The look of pride on his face was unforgettable. They were together, and that was all that mattered.

Sometimes I think God has a sense of humor. I thought that I’d be refreshed by getting out of the house by myself. Instead I found myself with tears in my eyes as I imagined standing in line with my oldest, listening to him tell me all about “something” that happened during his first semester away.

It was then and there that my world flashed before me for a moment.

Some days it feels like this stage we’re in is exhausting and never-ending, but the truth is, it isn’t going to last forever. Soon enough, quiet car rides are going to happen way too often. We won’t think twice about where we need to park when we go to the store. We won’t have to plan shopping trips around nap schedules and feedings, or rush through the aisles so we can finish before someone melts down. Every trip to the store will be quiet and boring, and we’ll count down the days until they come home again.

The reality is, every night we put these precious kids to bed, they wake up a day older. A day closer to their sweet 16th. A day closer to graduation. A day closer to their forever love and wedding bells. A day will come too soon when we’ll be wishing to relive first steps and first words. When we wish we could see carseats in our rearview mirror and fingerprints on our windows. When we wouldn’t mind stepping on an occasional Lego in the middle of the night. The car will be cleaner and the house will be quiet.

I know that I NEED time alone now and again, or I won’t be the happy mom my kids deserve. But that night gave me a fresh perspective. Soon enough, I’ll be giving my babies away to the big world. Every stage will have beauty, but this one is something special. I don’t want to blink.


P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    Way to get the tears flowing this morning Amber!
    I’m reading this as I’m sitting alone drinking coffee while the twins laugh and play in a crib together.
    I’ve been thinking about this so much lately. Time just needs to slow down. Christmas is such a difficult time for me and my family, but I truly can not believe how lucky I am to have two healthy children.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family xo

  2. avatar

    Beautiful blog, Ashley! It’s funny…as the kids started leaving home the days I missed the very most were the ones that were the hardest at the time. The days when I was the center of their world and it was chaotic and crazy and wonderful. Having grandkids takes me back to those days. I think that is why we cherish our grandkids so much. Because this time around we get it.

  3. avatar

    This is so dear! I think I love rare alone time…but even more I love seeing my daughters again after an hour away.
    That’s beautiful that you saw glimpses into other family’s relationships. Good job taking the time to see the beauty.
    I cannot think of my girls (ages 1 & 3) coming home after college semester break…
    Merry Christmas!

  4. avatar

    This is EXACTLY what I needed to read, as I sit here nursing my 2-week-old, wondering how he’s already 2 weeks old?! This season is so tough, but rewarding to no end. Thanks for opening my eyes.

  5. avatar
    Janet Baxter- Bimmiebell says:

    All mine are living grown up lives, and I am one of the Mom’s you saw in Target. I remember thinking I needed to treasure my babies because time would fly. But let me tell you that time doesn’t fly… It uses warp speed. You won’t really understand till you are looking back, but I assure you it goes Sooooooo much faster than you can imagine. But there is a happy ending.. I am truly friends with my children, I love being with them!!!! So don’t fret, they get better and better.

  6. avatar

    Beautifully written and so SO true. My son is 20 months now, he fell asleep in my lap the other day and I just KNEW that I needed to relax and enjoy it. Naps in my arms are so rare now, someday… they will occur about as often as I see unicorns. Never.

    It is the bitter sweet truth about having your kids grow up. There is a part of me that wishes I could know when it would be the last time (for anything). The last time he sleeps in my arms, the last time he needs me to nurse him, the last time he will be worn when we are out, etc. But maybe it is Gods gift to NOT know these things… because surely I would be an emotional basket case if I knew all the last times before they were the last times.

    Thanks for writing this!

  7. […] When My Three Year Old Came Home for the Holidays  [mommy’s me time] This is a beautiful reminder that our children will not stay young forever. I can relate to this post, as I love rare alone time…but even more I love seeing my daughters again after an hour away. […]

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