photo-24Lately I’ve been kissing a lot of boo-boos. Maybe it’s because we’ve been spending much of our time outside, but it seems like no more than 10 minutes passes between one of my kids tripping, running into something, scratching their knees, or dropping a toy on their toes.

Luckily we haven’t had any severe injuries, but no matter how little the accident is, it breaks a momma’s heart to know that one of her children is in any pain at all.

And so, we hear the screams and run to their rescue. We scoop them up, give them a quick kiss and tell them its all better. And you know what? Somehow it magically is. Somehow momma’s kisses make it all better.

This morning after my oldest had several little emergencies in a row, his reaction each time made me stop and think about it.

Every time he’d scream and immediately yell, “MOMMA, help! I need kisses!” He’d come running in my direction and as soon as my lips touched his owie, he’d stop crying, give me a hug, and return to his normal play.

Obviously we all know that kisses don’t actually have healing power, but it’s amazing how a little love has incredible ability to comfort us when we’re wounded. It’s even more amazing how running to the right source of love can have the power to provide peace in an instant. It’s likely that my son’s finger which got pinched in the door still hurt even after I kissed it. However, knowing that I was there for him gave him peace enough to keep going. He knew he could get through it because he felt my love.

As we grow up, our pain gets deeper. Not only do we experience physical pain, but also emotional pain. We become vulnerable and pour our souls into relationships that leave us heart broken. We wait years for the right person to come and sweep us off our feet. We’re hurt by harsh words from a loved one. We struggle to figure out who our identity is as an adult. We lose our job. We get sick. Someone dear to us passes away. We feel lonely. We fight to keep our marriages alive. We worry about our finances. The list goes on and on. We have boo-boos. Young and old, we ALL have boo-boos.

We live in an imperfect world and we’re going to hit rough patches along the way. Those are the facts.

BUT. There is hope, friends! We don’t have to sit and cry without anyone to run to. Just like a toddler runs to his momma, we need to run to our Savior. Our pain and heartache may not go away instantly, but inviting God to cover us with his love will give us indescribable peace that can move us from paralysis to being able to place one foot in front of the other. Step by step, God’s love has the power to heal us and give us hope for a better future.

It’s likely that each of us is trudging through some type of pain or struggle this very moment.

I’d like to think that God is waiting for us. He’s waiting for us to acknowledge that HE is the one we need. He’s the only one that can provide the type of contentment and peace we’re looking for.

Will you join me and reach deep in your being to pull out the child like faith that’s still in there somewhere? May we always remember that no matter how many “boo-boos” we have, that our default can repeatedly be to call out to our Heavenly Father!

He’s there and He wants to scoop us up and make it all better.



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

1 Comment

  1. avatar
    Crista says:

    Beautifully written! I love how you see everyday occurances with your relationship with your children & relate it your relationship with Jesus. What an excellent reminder that no matter how big or how small our problems are they matter to God & He is with us every step of the way!

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