Nearly 8 years ago I had my first baby (look how big he is now!) and decided to leave my full time job as an event planner to become a stay at home mom. I’ve never regretted my decision. I love being at home to witness the tiniest milestones and the big emotions that are part of the territory when raising small children. I truly LOVE my job and feel extremely blessed that being at home with them is my reality.

At some point though, I found myself wanting an outlet. I wanted something that required me to use the skill set I’ve been given to reach and encourage others. I wanted to be a mom, but I also wanted to feel like me.

And so, I began exploring what that might look like. I learned about the blogging world and it seemed to be a perfect fit. With social media at my fingertips, I could write and share my thoughts with the world that oftentimes felt so far away when I was within the four walls of my house.

For some crazy reason, my blog grew, and I had the pleasure of connecting with thousands of women around the world.

I started to get approached with several sponsorship opportunities a day, and reached a point when I need to carefully select what I say yes to.

Then about 4 years ago I saw an opportunity that I couldn’t shake.

I’ve always been interested in fitness, but I kind of had a one foot in, one foot out approach. I essentially worked out so that I could eat whatever I wanted.

Well, as I’m getting older I’m learning that first of all, my metabolism isn’t what it used to be. I can’t eat ice cream every night and expect to stay in my skinny jeans.

But more importantly, I’m realizing that my health affects more than just me. I don’t simply want to work out to look my best; I want to be healthy for the people I love the most. I want to be the best version of myself so that I have that much more to give to my family.

I kept hearing more and more about the makers of p90X and Insanity, known as Beachbody. At first I brushed it off and figured it was just like any other network marketing company I’d come across. Those types of things just weren’t for me. I’m not a saleswoman. I’m not motivated by money. I’m not into getting my friends to buy things from me.

Then one friend in particular took the time to share via social media how the programs had impacted her. And she wasn’t using the spammy old school marketing techniques. She was simply being genuine and sharing her story.

I started the 21 Day Fix and drank Shakeology every day. Within a week I started to feel better and stronger. I posted pictures of my meals and progress on Instagram and Facebook. I couldn’t BELIEVE how many people were interested in learning about how I was getting the results I was.

At that point, my eyes were opened to the fact that there were so many moms out there who were like me, wanting to get back into shape after having kids, but feeling like it was practically impossible.

I decided to sign on as a coach. I wanted to use my gift of encouragement to motivate other women to feel their best. I wanted to show them that it IS possible to work out at home with four kids hanging all over them. I wanted to show them that it’s OKAY to prioritize self care because taking care of yourself only makes you a better mom for your kids.

I thought and thought about whether it made sense to pursue this new venture publicly. Does it fit with my blog? Do I have enough time to do it well? (I had 4 kids under 4 at the time!)

After much prayer and talking it over and over with my husband, I decided there was a reason why I couldn’t get this Beachbody thing out of my head.

When I started my blog, my heart’s desire was to encourage moms to take “me time” so they weren’t running on empty all the time. Fitness is one way I’m able to do that. It has kept me sane during the most stressful seasons in my life, and I love helping other women discover its benefits.

And SO, I partnered with Beachbody!

Additionally, I decided to create an opportunity for those of you out there who also have the gift of encouragement and a passion for helping others. We formed a team, and we call ourselves the Ignition Mission. Over the last four years we have grown into a top team in the entire company, because we approach the business differently. We’re committed to doing this thing authentically. We work together to help many more than we can on our own.

I am actively recruiting 10-15 individuals to join Ignition Mission this week. I would love to add you to my team and mentor you regarding how to start up your own business and make significant income working 100% from home. Several others are considering the business and are close to pulling the trigger. This group of 10-15 will be mentored regularly by me using digital marketing and branding best practices.

I want to empower everyday women to become successful leaders and businesswomen. I want to help women shatter their limiting beliefs and the reasons they tell themselves as to why they CAN’T turn this into something, and show them that they CAN. I want to show people that there’s a BETTER way to do network marketing than what they might have experienced in the past.

If you are passionate about fitness and encouragement is YOUR language, I would sincerely LOVE to have you on my team.

As a stay at home mom, I’m so grateful for what this has turned into. My kids are now headed off to school, and I don’t have to think about returning to a job. I get to work from home and create my work schedule around my family’s activities!

It only costs $39 to sign up, and you will receive thousands of dollars worth of training in branding, marketing, relationship-building, professional development, and more.

To request more information, simply fill out THIS FORM and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours!



About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

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