One of the most valuable things I’ve learned since becoming a mommy of twins is that it’s okay (and necessary) to ask for help. Frankly, that hasn’t ever been easy for me. There’s this thing called pride that easily gets in the way. I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes after finishing something on my own, and I struggle to accept handouts. Furthermore, I don’t generally like asking for help because I tend to feel burdensome when I do so.
However, over the past few weeks I have been humbled by the generous outpouring of love and support offered by family, friends, aquaintences, and the lovely women I’ve met through blogging and social media. People genuinely WANT to help, and I have sincerely NEEDed it. It’s pretty awesome how God moves in peoples’ hearts to be sensitive to the needs of others.
While I strongly believe in pulling my own weight, there will undoubtedly be times in life when we need to humble ourselves and rely on those around us. No one is exempt from needing a hand as we go through this journey called life. In fact, I’m convinced that going through seasons that require us to reach out to others is all part of God’s plan to remind us that we were created to glorify Him by loving each other and living in community. We can’t do life on our own, and that’s a beautiful thing.
When I am able to lay my pride aside and accept love offerings from others, I am able to praise God in a way I’m unable to otherwise. I am in awe of the unique gifts He gives His children, and can’t help but want to grow in my relationship with Him.

God sure knows what He’s doing, huh? Goodness, we are so blessed to serve a God who LOVES us unconditionally and always has our best in mind.

Thank you, Lord, for the ways you provide and sustain us, and never give us more than we can handle!

And thank you to all of you who have been those loving and supportive people for me. Your generosity amazes me, and I am truly blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. I can only hope that I get an opportunity down the road to bless you as much as you’ve blessed me.

Blessings upon blessings to you all!


P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!


About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    I needed to read this today! After being on bed rest with my twin pregnancy for the past 2.5 months, I have needed a lot of help, and it is so hard for me as well! Thank you for sharing this today!

    1. avatar
      MommysMeTime says:

      So glad I’m not alone in this! Thank goodness for the beautiful people in our lives who we can lean on!

  2. avatar
    Urban Wife says:

    Such a lovely reminder, thanks! More often than not, I find myself feeling overwhelmed by all there is to do (and I don’t even have a toddler and twins like you do!) but stepping back and realizing that it’s okay to ask for help, that’s awesome if I can get to that point. And give ourselves grace — we don’t have to be superheroes. 🙂

  3. avatar

    You said it perfectly. I am 22 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls and I am on modified bed rest with a 1.5 and 3.5 year old. I am slowly learning how to accept help. It is so much harder than people realize.

    I just found your blog and it is wonderful to read all about your twin pregnancy and beyond. It is nice to connect with other twin moms. Thank you!

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