Yesterday afternoon by brain was so fried that I put my two year old down for her nap without a diaper. Consequently, she woke up early with poop smeared in her leggings, yelling “Poopy! Poopy!”

This mom gig. Nothing could have prepared me for this craziness I call my life. Somewhere in the midst of living in a constant sleep deprived zombie state, talking in a high pitched baby voice, winning the jackpot when I get to go to the bathroom by myself, and serving cases of mac and cheese, I’m often left feeling like I should be admitted to the loony bin. Seriously. I think it might feel like a vacation.

But when the dust settles and I get a few minutes to actually hear the thoughts in my head, I’m reminded that despite the chaos, I’m incredibly blessed to get to experience all of it.

But here’s the thing. Sometimes the dust doesn’t settle very often. Sometimes I’m so busy running from one kid to the other, that I can lose my perspective. And I feel alone, depressed, and like the worst mom in the world. Sometimes when I’m alone my mind plays tricks on me.

SO. I have a proposal. I would like to introduce to you something I’m calling, “Random Texts of Kindness.” Here’s how it works: Think of a mom friend in your life who is in the thick of it. That first person that comes to mind? That’s the person you need to text RIGHT now and remind that she’s doing a great job. That you’re thinking of her. That you too got absolutely OWNED by your kids at some point today. That you are in it together.

After you send your text, share this post to encourage others to join us in this mission to encourage moms with “Random Texts of Kindness.”


Let’s see how many moms we can encourage. Let’s see how many moms we can remind that they are not alone. That they have what it takes, even during the craziest moments of the day.



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

Photo credit: Ami Kochendorfer (Poppy Designs)

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar

    Love this idea!!! Thanks for sharing this. And YOU, mama are doing a great job! Hope you’re having a wonderful day. xo

  2. avatar
    Sheena says:

    Oh I love this!

  3. avatar

    I just did this! I don’t know how my friend was feeling, but I can say it did a number on my heart! So many times I’ve needed that encouragement, and I am thankful to have given some to someone else! Love your posts and thank you! 🙂

  4. avatar

    Just did it. Great idea, we all need the encouragement.

  5. avatar

    Wow cuz this is great job! Congrats and keep it up

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