It’s Friday afternoon, and I just picked up our four kids from school. Per usual, it’s been a nonstop week. It seems like it was just yesterday that our kids were toddlers and Friday night was just like any other night of the week. Everyone would be in bed by 7 or 8pm and Jake and I would get to hang out on the couch together for an at home date night.
It’s wild how things can change in just a few years. These days the kids are in school until 3pm everyday, and during that time Jake and I hustle to get our work done, because as soon as we pick them up we start our other full time jobs as family drivers. Haha! We tag team to get them to gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, and football. Somewhere in between we try to find time to eat dinner (sometimes together, sometimes in shifts). Then there’s homework, studying, showers, maybe a few minutes to chill and watch a show together to wind down, and the whole process starts over the next day.
We get to Friday night, and although it’s the weekend, it doesn’t slow down! Friday nights are flag football nights, and Saturday we have a volleyball scrimmage and basketball games. Thankfully Sunday is an off day this weekend so after church we’ll get some down time.
As I think ahead to this weekend and the busy rhythm of life right now, although there’s a part of me that wants to sneak everyone away for a family vacation to escape it all, I’m reminded that these years with them are so precious and sweet. They are learning so many life lessons as they practice and build discipline with sports, and they are blessed with incredible friends to do it all with in a community we love. Watching them do activities they’re passionate about brings me so much joy, and as quickly as we arrived here, I know in a few years when it all slows down I’d do anything to go back in time and be in the thick of it again.
So I’m writing these thoughts to remind myself to take advantage of the little moments this weekend to truly cherish this season we’re in. I want to be intentional to love on them and spend quality time in conversation, interested in the little details. I don’t want to be stressed or too busy for the little comments they make when they walk through the kitchen or when we’re riding in the car. I’m praying that God helps me to slow down and really soak it ALL up, because these weeks keep flying by and we only get one shot at this. Whether it’s a weekend of winning games and being excited, or losing games and learning lessons, I’m here for it, and will remember what a blessing it is to walk alongside them through it all.
Have a great weekend, friends! These are the days. ā¤ļø